
Herewith the Wikijunior big book of Science Experiments featuring the first five featured experiments from Wikijunior. Contents Slime recipes Yucky gooey slime! Isn’t it just great?! We love it! Oobleck – is it a liquid or a solid? Red cabbage indicator Red cabbage indicators are great for showing if something is an acid or base. …

Reviews (3)

In An Unexpected Adventure, a boy finds some exciting scenarios on a trip to the Library. In this book you can make your own words, teachers can use it as a word prompt for students, or it can be a fun exercise for parents and children to make their own words, it’s also very suitable …

Reviews (2)

Have fun cooking with your child with these simple yet delicious recipes. Find fun ways to make healthy food more delicious and appealing to kids. Find great snack ideas for lunches and parties or find healthy full meals for breakfast, lunch, or dinner, and many fun yet healthy desserts, all packed full of fruit, vegetables, …

Reviews (1)

How does the sun drive Earth’s climate system? How do the ocean, ice, clouds and atmospheric gases affect the impact of the Sun’s energy on the Earth? How have plants, animals, and humans affected Earth’s climate? How may Earth’s changing climate effecting plants, animals and humans? What tools do scientists use to monitor weather, and …


The Horse Colouring Pages contains 20 pages of adorable horses and unicorns perfect for young children. For children who love horses, this is a fun-filled series of colouring pages. See more books by Peaksel here on FKB – The Dragon Colouring Book Butterfly Colouring Book The Dinosaur Colouring Book Sample pages from Horse Colouring Book …

Reviews (1)

Enjoy this bumper book of 57 nursery rhymes, fingerplays, and songs for circle time. If you enjoyed this book see more books like this in our nursery rhymes section.  

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Core Knowledge Foundation is back with more classic tales, this time tailored for Grade 3 reading levels. This classic tale compilation features The Frog Prince, The Fisherman and his Wife, Rumpelstiltskin, The Queen Bee, Rapunzel, Hanzel and Gretel, Beauty and the Beast, The Magic Paintbrush, The Tiger, the Brahman, and the Jackel, and A Christmas …


This Cambridge Alphabet Colouringbook is built on words from from the Cambridge English: Young Learners Word List. They cover all three levels: Starters, Movers and Flyers. You can use this colouring book to help children learn new words in a fun way and improve their English. It includes many of the words children might see …


Word Scientists are back with another great early reader, this time our student conservationists, Peg and Datiz are in search of Arctic animals. Peg and Datiz see, or almost don’t see, many camouflaged Arctic animals, and finally find a polar bear. This book is suitable for developing Readers. This book is available in an editable …

Reviews (3)

A comprehensive history of dinosaurs including the history of evolution and different types of dinosaurs. Check out the sample pages below, and download the full pdf or read online by selecting the buttons below the post.  

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