Every child deserves to feel good about who they are, who they want to be, and know they deserve to achieve even their wildest dreams.
These free writing prompts pages are designed to help your child get started writing their own journal. They will help them use their imagination to make all their dreams come true. Each page has a writing prompt to inspire your child’s imagination.
Each page will inspire your child to use their imagination to write stories, ideas, and create dreams they want to achieve.
When children use their imagination, there is nothing they can’t do, see, or become in their mind and make it a reality.
This book includes 12 writing prompt pages and 12 blank-lined pages with the character groups to use for extra writing each day as needed. All the pages are 8 1/2 by 11 inch. You can print and use a standard size ring binder for your journal.
See a sample page below, download the full book by selecting the download button under the post.
You can download more of Azpazaz Journals here: http://www.azpazazbunch.com/Journals.html
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