

In 2019 Free Kids Books embarked on a project titled the Free School Textbooks project. The aim of the project was to source and share as many open educational textbooks in the K-12 sector as possible.

K12 Free School Textbooks Project

This journey down the rabbit hole so to speak lead to the wonderful discovery of the world of open educational resources (OER) and with it a whole new world of amazing connections in the sphere of free educational materials for us.

Researching books for the K-12 Free School Textbooks section not only lead to the discovery of some amazing free resources in K-12 education but it lead to learning about simply amazing non-profit organisations such as Khan Academy, CK-12, and Coko to name a few.

Current aims of the Free School Textbooks project:

  • Funding research into OER needs in the K-12 sector
  • Setting up strategic partnerships with OER creators and experts to develop more OER
  • Creating comprehensive free online K-12 schooling content


The FSTB’s ultimate aim is to collate, create, and share, as many quality K12 OER’s as possible in the K-12 sector, and to do this we plan to work with strategic partners in education research and development fields, and likeminded OER content creators.

Collate, Create, Share



FKB OER Collection

See more about our OER project here:


Are you interested in connecting with us over this project, as a research project (graduate or under-graduate), or as an organisation involved in education or literacy and interested in more OER? Please email Free Kids Books via the email: danielle “at” redskyventures “dot” org – or contact us via the social media channels in the right sidebar.



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