Jadav - children's nonfiction - biography

Jadav ‘Mulai’ Payeng Biography – Jadav and The Tree Place is a children’s non-fiction book covering the story of Jadav ‘Mulai’ Payeng,  a man who created a forest, by planting one tree at a time. This is an inspiring biography for children including lots of information about environmental friendly actions. Another great non-fiction children’s storybook …

Reviews (4)

What is Elephant doing? And is he really naughty? Find out in this cute, beautifully illustrated text for young children. Repetition and simple language can also be useful for learn to read age. Sample Text from Elephant, Naughty Elephant What is Elephant doing, can you guess? Elephant, naughty Elephant, what are you doing? Why, I’m …

Reviews (4)

In How to Catch the Wind – STEM fun we learn how the wind is used to make electricity.  A Simple book with an easy to understand explanation of wind power. Sample Text from How to Catch the Wind – STEM fun Air is always around us. Moving air is called wind. When wind blows, …

storyweaver pratham

Many of our recent books have come from a site called StoryWeaver, here is a little bit of background about Storyweaver and their mission: ‘There’s no such thing as a child who doesn’t like to read. There are only children who haven’t found the right book’ goes the popular adage. StoryWeaver is a gateway to an endless stream of …

Reviews (9)
i can climb

I can climb, or Ich kann klettern, is a German book for young children, a popular book provided in English on our homepage. Another great creative commons translation from the Pratham Storywever platform. Hier lernt ein kleiner Junge zu erklimmen. Aber kann er nach unten zu klettern? Dieses Buch ist eine der vier Bücher in …
