Categories: Adventure, Age 10-13 years, All FKB Books, Fantasy, Fluent English, Grade 4 to Grade 6, Insects, Nick Creech, Older Children
Beekle Henry – His adventures along with his friends, A fascinating tales with all sorts of interesting facts found along the way. By: Nick Creech Sample Page from The Book: Beekle Henry was lazing away the morning in his hammock. It was a particularly comfortable hammock made from best spider web slung between two …
Three-P – an unsuspecting fairy penguin adventurer, musketeer, and hero. Three-P fights peer pressure and prejudice, but follows his heart and in doing so learns the value of friendship, and how to be a real hero. By: Nick Creech Sample Page from Three-P: The word flew around Mickleburrow like a school of pilchards exploding before a hungry …
Categories: Adventure, Age 10-13 years, All FKB Books, Fantasy, Fluent English, Grade 4 to Grade 6, Kate Tenbeth, Older Children
Categories: Adventure, All FKB Books, Fantasy, Fluent English, Grade 4 to Grade 6, Kate Tenbeth, Older Children
Categories: Adrian Plitzco, Adventure, Age 10-13 years, All FKB Books, Animals, Fluent English, Grade 4 to Grade 6, Older Children
Pirate the Barking Kookaburra, a baby kookaburra, loses his memory and becomes lost in a thunderstorm. He meets up and befriends a colourful bunch of dogs and a cat who offer to help him out. His sense of fun turns their life upside down, at the same time, they teach him important lessons in survival, …