Categories: Age 2-5 Years, All FKB Books, Beginner English, Dogs, Grade K and Pre K, Public Domain, Toddlers, Tony J Moon
Spike and Pod find something very sticky, and get stuck. How will they get out? And who leaves sticky messes for Spike’s and Pod’s to get stuck in anyway!? A short picture book suitable for young children and children learning to read. One of a series of free public domain books. By: Tony J Moon …
Uncovering Earth’s Secrets – A book about oceanic research, featuring the research ship JOIDES Resolution, written in rhyme with beautiful illustrations. This nonfiction eBook was written for us by award-winning children’s author Kevin Kurtz ( and illustrated by award-winning illustrator Alice Feagan ( It is written for children and classrooms in grades 1 to 4. …
All About Seals – A non-fiction book about seals, aimed at 5-7 year olds (Grade 1-2), including lots of facts about seals and sea lions and some very cute photos. This book is open source and is available for free distribution under the Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike License. By: Zehnya Bruckert and Danielle Bruckert …
Gecko on the Wall is a short book about geckos around the house using rhyme and imagination. Suitable for reading to pre-school children, or reading by children learning to read. This extended version includes a non-fiction section at the end. The fun gecko facts and activities for children provides for an additional learning experience and perfect for classroom or homeschool projects. …
Categories: Age 6-9 years, All FKB Books, Animals, Behaviour, Children, Grade 1 to Grade 3, Intermediate English, N Miranda, Values
The Picturesque Life of Canela: The Hooves – Canela, a little goat, is afraid of trying new things, but bit by bit she will continue discovering how brave she really is. A lovely illustrated tale that teaches children to face their fears. By: N Miranda See more books about animals below
Categories: Adventure, Age 10-13 years, All FKB Books, Animals, Fluent English, Grade 4 to Grade 6, Older Children, PJ Gilbers
Goat and Terror Birds main character is a goat named Sir William of Yorkshire, or just William for short. William is an extraordinary goat with friends all over the globe. Ten year old Mac has just lost his mother and is living with his aunt and dippy cousin. His father is an international wildlife photographer …
All about Apples is about eating apples and about sharing them. The main character, Hedgy the hedgehog loves apples. He finds out all sorts of fun things he likes to do with apples, roasting, dipping in chocolate, but most of all he loves to share them with friends. By: Vanja Zogovic See more Classic Books …
Categories: Age 6-9 years, All FKB Books, Animals, Children, Dogs, Grade 1 to Grade 3, Intermediate English, Wendy R Davis
Domino Goes to the Beach – Domino, a Boston Terrier, takes a trip with her family to visit a relative on the coast. A photo book about Dominos adventures on holiday and some great advice about taking a pet on holiday. By: Wendy R Davis Text and Images from Domino Goes to the Beach Domino …
Categories: Age 2-5 Years, All FKB Books, Animals, Beginner English, Grade K and Pre K, Read along video, Rebecca Westberg, Toddlers, Values
A House For A Mouse – Two mice, Whiskers and Cheesepuff, discover humans have moved into their house. After evading traps, they eventually find an amicable solution through learning to be giving. By: Rebecca Westberg Read along with the story, read by Kiwi Opa See more of books about animals below
Supercow is back, this time there is no crime to fight or lives to save, but Supercow does something equally important, defends a small boy from being bullied, and in doing so helps the bullies see the error of their ways. Bullying is wrong no matter how big or small it is, and it’s important …