where wild microbes grow

Where Wild Microbes Grow – An educational rhyming picture book about discoveries on the seafloor, based on the expeditions of the vessel JOIDES Resolution. A fun way to interest young children in oceanic research. Written by award-winning children’s author Kevin Kurtz and illustrated by award-winning illustrator Alice Feagan. The eBook was created through a National Science …

dan and the frog

Dan and the Frog – The Ponds, home of a kingdom of frogs, was polluted by humans and have become nearly uninhabitable. One of their own promises the group of frogs a better home, filled with food and clean water. They decide to leave their previous home and King behind for a better life or …

Reviews (1)
Forests for the People

Forests for the People – And old man and a young man take a walk in the forest, the young man learns a lot about how important trees are to our lives, changing his attitude towards nature, he shares this with his girlfriend. A beautiful picture book with many interesting facts about forests, throughout the …

Reviews (1)
uncovering earths secret

Uncovering Earth’s Secrets – A book about oceanic research, featuring the research ship JOIDES Resolution, written in rhyme with beautiful illustrations. This nonfiction eBook was written for us by award-winning children’s author Kevin Kurtz ( and illustrated by award-winning illustrator Alice Feagan ( It is written for children and classrooms in grades 1 to 4. …

Reviews (1)
lumberjack mack

Lumberjack Mack needs lots of wood! He has to light his fireplace, fix his house, and get ready for the Forest Town festival. But what happens when there’s no more trees? This sweet rhyming story with an important lesson about looking after the environment. It is suitable for an early reader or for reading to young …

Reviews (2)