personalised boys stories - clark ness my name is in the story boys version

In the My Name is in the Story series, Clark Ness is back with these entertaining personalised early readers which can be – or ARE adapted to the child’s name! This collection is boys personalised stories, with the male pronoun, see also his collection for girls. Children love stories about themselves and they will enjoy …

Reviews (1)
personalised girls stories - clark ness my name is in the story girls version

In the My Name Is In This Story Stories and eBooks series, Clark Ness is back with these entertaining early readers which can be – or ARE adapted to a child’s first name! Children love stories about themselves and they will enjoy reading these girls personalised stories and ebooks. Every collection featured (64 stories and 6 ebooks in total!) …

thinking skills comic

This comic, Thinking Skills, brought to us by Siyavula, teaches incredibly important rationalization and study skills important to any field, scientific and otherwise. The concepts are explained in a user-friendly comic style, including detailed graphical representation and simple explanations. The topics covered are as follows: Classifying things – page 1 Concept mapping – page 11 …

Reviews (2)
Music Theory Introduction for middle-grade

Music Theory Introduction for middle-grade, is an introduction to music theory, explaining the basics, first principals, in simple, easy to understand terms, suitable for middle-grade.  This first volume in the series covers pitch and pitch notation, and major scales and keys including the circle of fifths. This is the first in a series of three …

recipes for healthy kids cookbook cover

The Recipes for Healthy Kids Cookbook is an amazing publication, beautifully presented, easy to read, made by children for children, in a US-wide competition from the US Department of Agriculture (USDA). The book was created from over three hundred submissions. The competition and this resulting healthy kids cookbook was a collective effort from USDA, the …

Reviews (2)
Children's book about being different

In Why is Nita Upside Down, a children’s book about being different, we learn important lessons about the value of being proud of who you are and that everyone is different. This book is created by Bookdash, a non-profit organisation dedicated to getting books into every child’s hands. By: Emma Hearne, Roxana Bouwer, Sarah Bouwer …

Reviews (29)
Who ate all that up? Fun reading for young children

Who Ate All That Up? is a fun early reader, also providing some early lessons about the animals in the forest, biology and conservation. The cute illustrations, themes, and repetitive appearances of the ‘hungry wild boar’, will have children highly entertained. Author: Sejal Mehta Illustrator: Rohan Chakravarty This is a level one book, for beginner readers, brought to …

Reviews (2)
what will today bring - coping with natural disaster

What will today bring is a picture book about a young child’s experience coping with disaster. This book is a great way for children to learn empathy for those facing civil disasters, to get inside the shoes of children displaced by natural disasters. This would be a very suitable story for classroom study when fundraising …

Reviews (1)
Basic book design high school textbook

Basic Book Design is a textbook suitable for high school students (and adults) all about basic book design. The book is provided by Wikibooks, in the creative commons under a GNU open document license. As a project for English, art or computer studies, creating a book should be a compulsory activity in schools. This book …


This very cute non-fiction book for young children is all about wild cats, from common big cats to more diverse, it also makes a great learning to read age book which can spark some research ideas for homeschool or general interest study. Wild Cat! Wild Cat! Is a creative commons book from Storyweaver, rated as level …

Reviews (4)