Tag «Spanish»
El dilema de Sr. Ciempiés – The Best Foot Forward Spanish
¡Demasiado grande! ¡Demasiado pequeño! – Growing Up Story Spanish

¡Demasiado grande! ¡Demasiado pequeño! – Growing Up Story Spanish, Shanu confused because her parents often told her off that she is either too small nor too big when she wanted to do something, may it be carrying the baby on her own or wearing her old clothes. Puzzled by this she wondered how can I …
Avani y La Planta de Guisantes – Spanish Avani and the Pea Plant Early Biology
Los Ballenas – Whales Spanish Version

Los Ballenas is a Spanish version of the popular ebook Whales from Mustardseed books. See the English version of Los Ballenas – Whales here: https://freekidsbooks.org/whales/ Text and Images from Los Ballenas – Whales Spanish Version Las ballenas son los animales más grandes del planeta, ¡aún más grandes que los elefantes! La ballena azul …
Gecko On The Wall – Spanish Bilingual Children’s Stories

Gecko On The Wall Spanish Bilingual Children’s Stories – A very kind student in Argentina who is starting out on her career as a translator has been translating many of our books into Spanish. I’ve just received this file with Gecko on the Wall, a short rhyming book, translated into Spanish. Written by Danielle Bruckert …