Children love bugs, and in Bugs by Numbers counting them can be fun. This short children’s book combines bugs and numbers for learning to count from one to five. The book uses recognition, repetition and some rhythm and rhyme perfect for entertaining and teaching toddlers. Suits pre-kindergarten syllabus.
Down in the garden under the tree, there’s a whole lot of creatures living with me.
One – One colourful GECKO, lying on the rock, happily.
Down in the garden under the tree, how many BUZZY BEES can you see?
One, Two – Two BUZZY BEES flying freely by me.
<End of page 4>
About the Author: Danielle writes children’s books for young children, she created the FKB website to share the books with others. This book was written when her daughter was learning to count and fascinated with bugs.
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Comments 9
I loved this book it is perfect I am going to use it to teach a lesson I will be observed on!
Hi Ebony, so glad you liked it, my little one was about 18 months when I made it for her, she was hard to please with books, still is, but, sigh of approval, she liked it too, and it was very much fun! I think it really helps learning to have interaction.
Hi Ebony, thanks so much for the comment! My little one was about this exact age when I wrote it for her, she loved it, and for books she was rather hard to please (to my frustration) but we had lots of fun reading and counting in this one, she even asked for it a few times, rare for her. I think the interaction is important for learning.
[…] myself how it is done. This is the second time I’ve had a rhyming book translated (see Bugs by Numbers) and both times the authors were kind enough to provide explanations of differences, Noelia has […]
I just read this to my daughter this morning, perhaps it’s because she is getting older, but she sat still through the entire book, it was great. She also loved counting the bugs, and guessing the number on the next page. A positive step towards number recognition.
Editor Update: seems the kids don’t like books as much as me, not through lack of trying! But the eldest is currently still loving working with the early Dr Seuss, rhyme, repetition and silliness. Youngest loves Anrgy Bird games :-(…
Ages: Preschool, Rating: 5 Stars Synopsis: A counting adventure filled with bugs. Children are encouraged to count the number of bugs in the first page before turning the second page, where each bug is numbered and the numeral displayed. Overall thoughts: Young children always enjoy counting books, and this book will be no exception. With repetition and bugs as the subject matter, children will be eager to find the bugs, count them, and check their answers!
I loved this book it is perfect I am going to use it to teach a lesson I will be observed on!
Hi Samantha, thanks so much for your comment, I’m so glad you like it, Good luck with the lesson!
I love this book very much, my 19 month old as well! Hear the words, see the text, count the objects. Perfect!
Hi Ebony, so glad you liked it, my little one was about 18 months when I made it for her, she was hard to please with books, still is, but, sigh of approval, she liked it too, and it was very much fun! I think it really helps learning to have interaction.
Hi Ebony, thanks so much for the comment! My little one was about this exact age when I wrote it for her, she loved it, and for books she was rather hard to please (to my frustration) but we had lots of fun reading and counting in this one, she even asked for it a few times, rare for her. I think the interaction is important for learning.
[…] myself how it is done. This is the second time I’ve had a rhyming book translated (see Bugs by Numbers) and both times the authors were kind enough to provide explanations of differences, Noelia has […]
Rizza Benedicto writes:
My son love the colorful illustrations! He also loved counting the bugs….great book!
Ana Montes writes:
I have a 4 year old and a 6 year old they love this book Thank you.
ElizChan writes:
This is a fantastic young children’s book consisting of easy numbers for counting. The sentences are succinct and rhyme well.
Jubi Thomas writes:
Excellent book. Beautiful garden with lots of colourful creatures.
Mya writes:
its ok just love it
Kayla Faulkcon writes:
great book
Monica writes:
Awesome, love it!
x writes:
I like this book so much.
Carla writes:
Super for toddlers!!!!
Evelyn writes:
I liked that it rhymed and it counted to five.
I just read this to my daughter this morning, perhaps it’s because she is getting older, but she sat still through the entire book, it was great. She also loved counting the bugs, and guessing the number on the next page. A positive step towards number recognition.
Editor Update: seems the kids don’t like books as much as me, not through lack of trying! But the eldest is currently still loving working with the early Dr Seuss, rhyme, repetition and silliness. Youngest loves Anrgy Bird games :-(…
Ages: Preschool, Rating: 5 Stars Synopsis: A counting adventure filled with bugs. Children are encouraged to count the number of bugs in the first page before turning the second page, where each bug is numbered and the numeral displayed. Overall thoughts: Young children always enjoy counting books, and this book will be no exception. With repetition and bugs as the subject matter, children will be eager to find the bugs, count them, and check their answers!