This is a non-fiction book about big cats for upper elementary age children. The book makes a great research source for school projects about big cats or for a bedtime read for inspiring young zoologists (I just wish they had one on dolphins for my aspiring marine biologist to read or listen to at bedtime!). …
Categories: Age years 13+, All FKB Books, Creative Commons, Fluent English, Grade 7+, Saita, Young Adult
For teachers everywhere, – an innovative teaching guide, which will help you inspire students and foster a love of learning. If you’ve just started out teaching, or you’ve been teaching for a while, but feel there’s something missing, this is a perfect workbook to inspire creativity in innovative learning methods. The book might also be …
Sam Dragon was a little different. for a start, he detested eating maidens, no matter how many times he was punished for it he plainly refused. It was against his principals. (Any young and newly converted vegetarians or vegans with staunch traditionalist parents, Sam’s out there with sympathy for your situation as am I! Vegetarians …
Categories: Animals, Classic Books, Fluent English, Grade 4 to Grade 6, Horses, Older Children
Black Beauty is as an autobiographical memoir told to us by the horse Black Beauty. Black Beauty recounts his life, beginning with carefree days with his mother, as a colt on an English farm, followed by a rather difficult life pulling cabs in London, ending fortunately with his happy retirement in the country. Along the …
Categories: Age years 13+, All FKB Books, Cory Doctorow, Creative Commons, Fluent English, Grade 7+, science fiction, Young Adult
Little Brother is a young adult sci-fi novel by popular author Cory Doctorow. The book features a teenage hacker and his group of friends as they navigate San Francisco after a terrorist attack, ending up accused of involvement they rally social support in the fight against civil infringements and abuse of political authority. The topics …
Categories: Adventure, Age 10-13 years, Age 6-9 years, All FKB Books, Animals, Cats, Fantasy, Fluent English, Grade 4 to Grade 6, Older Children, Susha Golomb
Pisu’s Revenge is a middle-grade fantasy novel about the adventures of Tefnut, a reluctant heroine and DFOA (dominant Female Over All), also a cat. Tefnut is required to keep order in a place called Ailuria (The Kingdom of the Cats), a difficult task when the cats, obligate carnivores, are not allowed to eat anyone. Pisu’s …
Face to Face with a Gorilla – Middle Grade Science Fiction- Who would know a family trip to the zoo results in a trip to another galaxy? A mission to fulfill a prophecy for another race, a battle with strange rules, and lots of excitement while trying desperately to get back home. This science fiction …
The Little Alien provides fun science fiction for upper elementary and middle grades, another great story from Joe Corcoran… While the galaxy was still young, an alien civilisation rose and fell. Five thousand years have now passed since it was destroyed, and only a handful of elderly citizens still survive – two dozen elders and …
Biju Spins Some Magic, a cultural children’s story for early to middle grades, Biju accompanies his father to Delhi to sell the saris. Biju and his family are weavers in rural Odisha. They create beautiful fabrics to sell in the cities of India and abroad. In this tale of Biju’s adventures find out how he …
In The Magic Powder, a delightful folktale from Myanmar with a very important lesson, a young man studying alchemy finds out how to turn earth into gold by following the advice of his wise father in law. Another great free story from Pratham and Storyweaver. Author: Greystroke Illustrator: P.G. Dinesh Text and Images …