
Something lurks under my bed, is it a tiger? Or something else? Find out in this short endearing picture book. Text from Under My Bed I wake up at night feeling thirsty. I want to get some water. I start looking for my slippers under the bed. Oh my God! There is a tiger under …

Reviews (3)

What Happened to the Shawl? Buddhist parable – A monk approaches Buddha in need of a new shawl. Before he gives it to him Buddha delves deep into the situation of what happened to the old shawl. A story of reduce, reuse, recycle. Sample Text from What Happened to the Shawl? Buddhist parable One day, …

Reviews (2)

In Have You Ever Heard A Whale Sing we hear lots of facts about whale songs. The underwater world is a noisy place. But amidst it all, melodious songs echo through the water. Read all about some of the strongest, largest and loudest singers under the sea—whales! Author: Divya Panicker, Illustrator: Deepti Sharma Sample Text …

Reviews (2)

Colour Our Story – Children from around the world create messages and colouring images for other children as a way to globally connect. This edition is from around the world – worldwide Book 3. Sample Pages from Colour Our Story Book 3 See more coloring books in our colouring section, as included below:   About …


The Grass Seeker – As the weather turns warm, shepherd Room Singh takes his flock of goats and sheep and scales the Himalayas for fresh grass. With global warming a reality, this photo book traces the journey that a Gaddi shepherd has been making for the last 40 years, how many more will it be? …

Reviews (3)

Whoopee…Hyperloop! Future technology coming soon – Vishnu loves to see new places. But he hates long journeys. Why can’t we have a faster mass transport system, he wonders? So when he reads about the hyperloop, he is blown away… whoopee! What’s this futuristic mass transport system? Vishnu and his friends read all about it in …

Reviews (1)

In Who’s on Divya’s Map Divya’s cousin Ravi is arriving from another town so she decides to draw him a map to make it easier for him to find her house. Who does she include on the map along the way and how does she construct it? This book includes a basic introduction to cartography …


Who Just Went By – Animal Tracks introduces young readers to the concept of animal footprints in an exciting way, each page having a set of footprints to guess who just went by. Author: Radha Rangarajan, Illustrator: Kalp Sanghvi Sample Pages from Who Just Went By – Animal Tracks <End of Sample pages> Read the …

Reviews (2)

Curious but forgetful monster Nikeriff is anxious to remember his alphabet, and heads into the woods for a scavenger hunt. As he sneaks and climbs, he grabs and lassoes anything he can find from A to Z and puts them into his overstuffed wriggly sac. In the end, they bite, claw and chew their way …

Reviews (3)
The Pig with the Runaway Tail, Adventure meets imagination

In the Pig with the Runaway Tail, Pongal the Pig sleeps all day and her tail decides to go on an adventure without her, she then goes on an adventure to find it. Each place she visits has it’s own set of perils. Join this fun book for improving reading with lots of sound effects …

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