Clark Ness free Learning to Read resources

Clark Ness has an amazingly large set of learning to read books available. His site includes literally thousands of easy readers, phonics based readers, sight word books, and much, much more. This set here is just a sample of some of his work using the open dyslexic font. The set in this post contains the …

Reviews (5)
watch out the tiger is here short story for toddlers and early readers about tigers

The tiger is a big cat, and he needs to hunt often, but why does everyone know he is here? Find out in Watch Out the Tiger is Here, a short beautifully illustrated picturebook for young children about a tiger. This book is a creative commons book brought to us by Pratham and Storyweaver. The …

Reviews (3)
5 fun bedtime stories from a month of bedtime stories

5 Fun Bedtime Stories contains five amazing adventures. In each adventure, the centre of the story is the listener, and mysteriously for a host of reasons, the listener has forgotten, so the reader reminds them of everything that happened during the day. From aliens to submarines, underground adventures to pirates this book has it all. …

Reviews (5)
lessons in buoyancy children's picture book

In Sailing Ships and Sinking Spoons – lessons in buoyancy, Tenzin and Tashi, two young Tibetan monks, and Genla, the beloved storyteller of the monastery, wonder why a small steel spoon sinks in water but a huge ship floats. Their science teacher Miss Sonam helps them experiment with an apple, a spoon and a tub-full …

Kung-fu grasshoppers short story for kids

In The Kung-Fu Grasshoppers, the grasshopper’s children are taken prisoner by a hungry monster. Two strangers arrive in the grasshopper village, an old man and his granddaughter. Who are they, and can they help to save the grasshopper children from the evil monster who holds them prisoner in the nearby woods? This suspense-filled tale of …

Reviews (1)

Wiggle-Jiggle is a cute and cuddly caterpillar story with very cute rhythm, rhyme, and repetition.  Young children will love this short, beautifully illustrated picturebook. Young children will love all the fun sound words along with the bright pictures, and the inevitable ending. Illustrated by: Megan Vermaak Written by: Mathapelo Mabaso Designed by: Chenél Ferreira Edited …

Reviews (5)
Jemima Puddleduck kiwi opa version cover

The Tale of Jemima Puddleduck is another classic Beatrix Potter, presented in a unique new way for colourful online reading by Kiwi Opa. Jemima Puddleduck is annoyed because the farmer’s wife will not let her hatch her own eggs. Jemima runs away to find a suitable spot, and meets a ‘friend’ who offers to help. …

mirror mirror poems for confidence in children

Confidence in children is what this poetry book aims to inspire, promoting self-esteem and healthy thinking. The collection of 27 poems from acclaimed authors, highly experienced educators, and award-winning poets, along with bonus material including journal questions to help inspire good attitudes, positive feelings, and more confidence in children. Preview Of Poetry Book Mirror, Mirror. …

Reviews (1)
music theory for high school

Understanding Music Theory for High School is a textbook or reference for music students, a perfect book of music theory for high school containing a comprehensive explanation of music theory. This text is suitable for high school level students, although it may be helpful for some in middle grade. Topics include notation, definitions, notes and …

Kids Jokes Book

FKB Kids Jokes Book 2 is the second book from FKB featuring children’s jokes. Children’s joke books are fun for kids to just enjoy reading, and a short text suitable for all attention spans. A children’s jokes book is also a great way to get kids reading, and is especially suited for reluctant readers since …

Reviews (1)