burly and grum beyond the forest

Burly and Grum: Beyond the Forest – Grum has been thrown out of his home by his two brothers. He has to prove himself as a Groblin before he is allowed back. On his way to figure out how, he meets Burly, a big mellow bear, who takes him under his paw. Hilarious adventures follow. …

Reviews (3)

From the push-me-pull you, the people of Popsipetel, to Polynesia the talking parrot, and much much more, the classic adventures of Dr Dolittle are an ageless classic. The Voyages of Dr Dolittle are provided herewith a convenient pdf, epub, and odt version for maximum readability. Written by Hugh Lofting The Voyages of Dr Dolittle Sample …

an inside day

In Let’s Have an Inside Day, we take a look at all the activities that can be done inside when it’s raining or when we need to stay inside for some other reason. This is a short book suitable for reading to young children or reading by children learning to read. Illustrated by Alicia van …

Reviews (10)

Getting a vaccination can be very scary. The Friendly Needle, in this charming illustrated story, tells Jack all about how vaccinations can help protect him. After focussing on all the positives, the pinch didn’t hurt Jack as much as he thought it would. If your child needs to get a vaccination this is a great …

Reviews (6)
Maths stories for young children MLC

This collection of maths stories for young children contains 9 sets of books, 27 books all together from the maths learning centre. Each set of maths story books contain a variety of maths themed picture books, from counting, to shapes, to snowflakes. The Maths Learning Centre is a non-profit organisation for promoting maths learning programs …

fat king thin dog

The fat king Thin Dog – The Fat King chases a thin dog – what happens, will he stay a fat king? A short fun book for young children. The short length, large text, and repetition makes it very nice for early readers. Another great free Creative Commons children’s story from Pratham and Story Weaver. By: Parismita …

Reviews (2)
Apprenticeship and Workplace Math 10

This section on Trigonometry 2 – Apprenticeship and Workplace Mathematics 10 is made up of several lessons. Lessons, Essential Questions, Focus, Get Started, Activities, Explore, Bringing Ideas Together and Lesson Summary. Open School BC is an online learning service that provides support and learning services for K-12 and for workplace learners. Their resources include a wealth of quality K-12 educational material, …


The fox sees the birds, bees, and bats, and greatly desires to fly – will perseverance win? Sample Text: One night, Fox told her kits a bedtime story. It was the tale of a fox. This fox wanted to fly. Her kits said they wanted to fly. They said, “Flying looks like fun!” Let’s listen …


This is book 34 of The Tania Series. With so many different religions, philosophies, theories and gods, Tania is utterly confused. Who or what is god? How does god affect her life? What does god want her to do? What does science have to say about god? The questions keep piling up. A discussion with …

Reviews (13)
Biju spins some magic cultural childrens story

Biju Spins Some Magic, a cultural children’s story for early to middle grades, Biju accompanies his father to Delhi to sell the saris. Biju and his family are weavers in rural Odisha. They create beautiful fabrics to sell in the cities of India and abroad. In this tale of Biju’s adventures find out how he  …

Reviews (2)