Categories: Age 6-9 years, Files, Grade 1 to Grade 3, Public Domain
Energy Activities with Energy Ant – Energy Activities and stories to help children learn about energy, including ways to save energy, different types of energy, some word puzzles, maths games, board games and energy activities. This public domain file is provided by the U.S. Energy Information Administration. See more books from our Public …
Categories: Age 2-5 Years, Alphabet, Alphabet, Creative Commons, Files, Grade K and Pre K
Printable Alphabet – Back to Back Version – This is another version of the alphabet cards, nearly identical but you can print the cards back to back and laminate and cut them out. This means the second page is reversed in terms of normal reading, but the upper case letters on even pages match up …
Categories: Age 2-5 Years, Alphabet, Alphabet, Creative Commons, Files, Free Kids Books, Grade K and Pre K
Printable Alphabet Cards – A set of alphabet and number cards, 8 per sheet, with matching lower and upper case letters on alternate pages with the same images to assist with retention, numbers include number in words. Each sheet can be printed separately to use for a learning card game (eg ‘memory’ or ‘go-fish’). …
Categories: Alphabet, Alphabet, Files, Free Kids Books, Grade K and Pre K, Public Domain
Editable version of Alphabet cards, for you to create images that your child enjoys. A set of alphabet and number cards, 8 per sheet, with matching lower and upper case letters on alternate pages with the same images to assist with retention, numbers include number in words. Each sheet can be printed separately to use …
Categories: Age 2-5 Years, Alphabet, Beginner English, Files, Grade K and Pre K, Public Domain
Writing Worksheets Print Version – Practice worksheets for each letter of the alphabet in upper and lower case and for the numbers 1-9. These worksheets have been prepared in a font that is recommended for school and kindergarten use. The first five lines provides practice letters to trace, the next 5 lines provides only the …
Categories: Age 2-5 Years, Alphabet, Alphabet, Beginner English, Files, Grade K and Pre K, Public Domain
Categories: Age 2-5 Years, Alphabet, Alphabet, Danielle Bruckert, Editable Files, Files, Free Kids Books, Grade K and Pre K, Public Domain
Editable Alphabet Book – This A4 file in Open Document Drawing Format ( extension odw) is provided as a teaching resource for parents. The letters can be edited, uploading different photos, and changing the text to reflect items of interest to your child. Fonts have been chosen for their learning value, and may deviate between …
Under the Sea, Learn Sight Words – Editable version – Under the Sea is a book designed to learn sight words, with around 25 common sight words and only 45 words in total, it’s a great book for young children learning to read. This file is for editing the book in open office format (file …
Categories: Age 2-5 Years, All FKB Books, BookDash, Creative Commons, Imagination, Toddlers, Wordless
SpringLoaded What would happen if you invented a helicopter hat, or what about some spring loaded boots? This is a picture book WITHOUT WORDS, a great adventure in creativity for children to make up their own story to go with the images, and perfect for reluctant readers, illustrating that books are about telling a story, …
A Tiny Seed – Wangari Maathai understood that a lot can be achieved for the world by planting a tiny seed and letting it grow. Through her belief and her dreams for her country and people, she became the first black woman to win the Nobel Prize. This inspiring true story for children is brought …