
The Paint Brush That Just Wanted to Help

the paint brush that just wanted to helpThe Paint Brush That Just Wanted to Help – Everyone has a purpose in life, once we find it, we can feel more fulfilled. In this beautifully illustrated story, the tools all help building a house, each doing their part, paint brush feels unwanted, until he finds his special purpose too. The book helps children learn about team work, and about the processes involved in building a house.

By: Eric Dean


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Comments 1

  • Kanika G writes:
    “This is a nice story. That is why I like it. Read it again mama.” says my daughter. Well written story.

    Eli Biebers writes:
    This is an awesome, engaging kids’ book with a great message and adorable illustrations. A wonderful introduction to the idea of being included.

    Porter Freelow writes:
    These tools appear to be telekinetic. I like that.

    VIKAS GARG writes:
    Story is very good and colors used are catchy too for kids… But story was too narrative for my 1st grader .. More graphics and pages with one liner must have been excellent.. Please keep the good work flowing

    Savio writes:
    I learnt that we have our own jobs to do.

    Charlotte Tan writes:
    It is good. It teach me how to be patience.


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