maddy moona's menagerie

Maddy Monna’d Menagerie – Animal rhymes is a fun story full of animal mayhem in the style of Rod Campbell’s Dear Zoo. Maddy wants a pet for her 5th birthday, but can she find the right pet? Read all about her decision making in this fun animal rhyme from BookDash. Download or read the flipbook …

just like me preparing for a birthday

In Just Like Me Rahah is nervous about inviting friends to her party as they all seem so different. As she thinks about it she sees how much they all have in common. A story of preparing for a birthday party with lessons about friendship and common interests. Illustrated by Mary-Anne Hampton, Written by Hani …

Reviews (1)
sindi and the moon preparing for the first day of school

Sindi and the Moon is a story about Sindi’s experiences preparing for and going to school for the first time. Sindi is getting ready for her first day of school, but she’s a little nervous. Will there be only reading and writing, or will they let her sing and dance too? Download the full picture …

Reviews (1)
it wasn't me blame and consequence for toddlers

It Wasn’t Me is a cute early picture book from BookDash, with lots of pictures and a few simple words. This beautifully illustrated picturebook deals about blame and consequence for toddlers who are just beginning to learn. This book was brought to us by BookDash, a literacy non-profit, ensuring a book in every child’s hands. Bookdash …

Reviews (5)
shongololo's shoes

In Shongololo’s Shoes, Shongololo’s lost his shoes and everyone tells him they haven’t seen them, but can you find Shongololo’s shoes on the pages of this cute book? And what does the lion want with all the shoes, find out more by reading this free picture book. This is a short picture book from BookDash …

Reviews (4)
a beautiful day picture book

A Beautiful Day is a picture book for young readers about a fun family day out. It’s a beautiful day for a picnic, and everyone wants to join in the fun. Nicholas, his Mom and Dad, his friend Jacob, little sister, and all the animals go on a day out to have a picnic by the …

Reviews (5)
hole in the wall

Why is there a hole in the wall? Explores all the possibilities of what might have caused the hole in the wall. Imaginative reasoning and different ideas give many ideas for discussion with young readers. This story is brought to us by BookDash.BookDash believes every child should own a hundred books by the age of …

Reviews (2)
children's book about being positive

There Must Be a Rainbow is a story about being positive in the face of adversity. The whole village is ravaged by storms, and there is so much damage everyone is distraught, but one little girl sees things differently. Find out more – download or read online on the buttons below the post, or read …

Reviews (8)
tortoise finds his home

In Tortoise Finds his Home, Tortoise enlists the help of his animal friends, snail, sparrow, ladybird, and mouse to help him find the missing house. Tortoise is looking for his home, he can’t find it anywhere, can you guess where it is? All the animals try to help him find it. When the storm blows …

Reviews (3)
who is our friend nature book for young children

Who is our Friend? Is a story about how the bird helps all the other animals out in nature. This is a nice early nature story for young children. The bird helps all the other animals out. The story shares how friends help each other, and how animals can work together in nature. This free …

Reviews (3)