
This book takes readers through 10 simple steps to creating a book, including software, images, format, and publishing. This book is written in simple terms to be used as a guide by children or as a lesson plan by teachers or parents. If you create a book and want to share it on Free Kids …

Reviews (4)

Many, many, years ago, in a land far, far away, there lived a beautiful princess that loved ice bears. Everything in the land was perfect, because the citizens respected the laws of nature. That is until one day a wicked witch cast a spell over them so that they no longer cared about the environment. …

Reviews (3)

Don’t be a Bully is a short simple book for young children, and beginner ESL readers, promoting values of anti-bullying and anti-discrimination. This book teaches children ten important life lessons about values and the importance of treating everyone equal, no matter what race, religion, gender, or abilities. There are exercises supporting the topics at the …

Reviews (1)

Psychedelic seal is not like all the others – he doesn’t blend in like the other seals, not only is he in danger to the world at large, he gets teased by the other seal pups. Learn about how psychedelic seal learns to triumph in spite of his differences and even because of them in …


A mysterious monster is wreaking havoc in this child’s house. Who is she? What will the child do? There are monsters everywhere in our imagination. The trick is to find their friendly side, while working with them on the bad habits. Do you have monsters in your house? Another great book from the creator and …

Reviews (5)
go green save the planet

Save the Planet is a short simple book for young children, and beginner ESL readers, promoting values of conservation and ecologically-friendly behaviour. This book teaches children ten important lessons about conservation and actions that can help preserve and conserve our natural environment and the resources, for those of us, people and animals, who inhabit it. …

Reviews (6)

Have you ever wondered what your Cat does when you are at school? Find out in this cute rhyming tale

Reviews (5)

Witches, monsters, and Halloween creatures gather for a night of delight, but instead of being scary, they decide to be jolly and merry. A fun rhyming tale that takes the scare out of scary and makes Halloween fun. For more family fun enjoy some of the recipie suggestions at the end of the book. This …

Reviews (3)

Some kind hearted children decide to make a difference on Thanksgivng and start a tradition of  “Children Helpint Children”. A perfect book to emphasise the spirit behind Thanksgiving. “With a giving spirit one can achieve great things.”         Read along with the video here: Read by Kiwi Opa    


Children of the world united virtually for World Children’s Day and each submitted a quote, the best ones they made into a book…. note: this is a fictional book Enjoy some words of wisdom and think about how important positive values are.         Read along with the video of World Children’s Day …
