bathtime storybook

At bathtime for Chunnu and Munnu there is tons of fun, splashing, scrubbing, followed by dinner and bedtime. Bathtime for Chunnu and Munnu is a fun story perfect for bedtime or anytime, teaching toddlers about routines. The simple language and repitition also makes it great for learning to read age children to read to younger …

Reviews (10)
picture book about child saying only no

No! Children’s story about saying No! – A little girl can say only no, no to everything, how can she stop saying no? What happens if there is something she really wants, will she still say no?A cute children’s picture book about solving a common behaviour problem for toddlers.Also simple and a nice story for …

Reviews (12)
The magic Block Childrens Story

The Magic Block – What magical quantities does this “magic block” have? It seems to stick to some types of things and not others? Why or how can this be? In this STEM book for early readers we find out about a magic magnetic block, with an explanation at the end on properties of magnets. …

Reviews (19)
a book for puchku childrens picture book

A Book For Puchku – Puchku just loves books. She reads and reads all day long. Until one day she has read all the books, all that is except the ones on the very high shelf. How ever will she get to the books on the very high shelf? Read this beautifully illustrated picture book, A …

Reviews (19)

 One by Two is a fun picture book where we learn how to share equally one by two. Two friends visit a local fair, but they only have enough money for one plate. Another great creative commons picture book brought to you by Pratham and the Storyweaver platform. Author: Maya Bisineer Illustrator: Shreya Sen   …

Reviews (6)

Tumi Goes to the Park provides a great narrative story book of a trip with Mum to the park for the first time. Slides, monkey bars, merry-go-rounds, and see-saws provide exiting adventures, as well as making sand castles and meeting new friends. This simple book makes a fun short read with lots of excitement for …

Reviews (21)
chilli eating contest children's story

The Chilli Eating Contest, there’s a big chilli eating contest in town, Nomvundla the hare and Soko the monkey are going to try their luck to win tickets to the fun fare, find out how they get along. This is a short easy to read book, suitable for young children. Illustrated by Adrien Folly-Notsron Written …

Reviews (9)
Biju spins some magic cultural childrens story

Biju Spins Some Magic, a cultural children’s story for early to middle grades, Biju accompanies his father to Delhi to sell the saris. Biju and his family are weavers in rural Odisha. They create beautiful fabrics to sell in the cities of India and abroad. In this tale of Biju’s adventures find out how he  …

Reviews (2)

The Three Doof-Doofs tells a delightful tale of Sally, Solly, and Silly, three cute little creatures that are responsible for the Doof-Doof sounds you might hear when tucked up in bed. A perfect bedtime story to entertain and alleviate worries about thumps in the dark. Another great free children’s story from Bookdash. Illustrated by Stephen …

Reviews (24)
Angry Akku - Children's story about handling emotions

Angry Akku is a delightful children’s story all about handling anger. Akku is angry, she had a really bad day at school. Her father suggests she draw about what happened. At the end of the book there’s a list of ideas for handling anger. This book makes a great example for children about how to …

Reviews (2)