The second book in the Pigsley and Rio series, Pigsley and Rio race to the dam to cool off. They meet a beautiful bird and Pigsley gets himself in a pickle. Join Pigsley and Rio as they learn more about their new feathered friend and the importance of water safety. Sample Text from Pigsley and …
The Mighty Tethys Sea explains how the continents split apart, from the mighty Gondwana and the mighty Tethys sea, to what they are now, and how the Himalayas were formed. Discover how once there were seas where there now are mountains, and how it all changed into the shape of the earth today. Author: Juvena …
In The Storybook Princess, Chomnan likes to listen to stories, but he keeps interrupting with questions. One night he dreams of a Princess, who is under a spell from a witch. He keeps asking questions and breaks the spell. The next night Chomnan is excited to tell his Dad the story of the Storybook Princess. …
Categories: Age 6-9 years, All FKB Books, Children, Fable, Grade 1 to Grade 3, Intermediate English, Room to Read
The Magic Mirror – A witch puts a curse on the village children, only Sam and Soy, brother and sister, are free from the curse. Sam must find the magic mirror to defeat the witch and bring it back within 3 days. Sam and Soy meet many mysterious creatures along their journey. Will Sam and …
Kanchha wanders away from home and is very afraid. What happens to Kanchha and does Kanchha learn his lesson from this experience. This is a level 3 book suitable for children who are ready to read on their own, or as a class read aloud. Author: Shilpi Pradhan, Illustrator: Abin Shrestha Sample Text …
Durva and Dhrubo are brother and sister. Together they explore markets and parks, and they have lots of fun like normal siblings do. Dhrubo’s wheeeeelchair is a fun attachment to their games. Read about all the crazy things this pair get up to in My Brother’s Wheeeeelchair. Author: Salil Chaturvedi, Illustrator: Tanvi Bhat …
Clever Rabbit wants to see the world outside his hutch. He devises a plan to get out. Once outside there are many dangers he didn’t count on, a dog, a lion, he devises a plan to get back inside. Does the Clever Rabbit learn a lesson? Author: Deogratias Simba, Illustrator: Michael Sagikwa Sample Text from Clever …
Categories: Age 6-9 years, All FKB Books, Beginner English, BookDash, Children, Creative Commons, Grade 1 to Grade 3