
This is book 34 of The Tania Series. With so many different religions, philosophies, theories and gods, Tania is utterly confused. Who or what is god? How does god affect her life? What does god want her to do? What does science have to say about god? The questions keep piling up. A discussion with …

Reviews (13)

Billy Wants it All – Billy Growing Up Series – It’s important that children learn both the purpose and value of money and how it fits into the way they will have to live when they are adults.  Parents take care of a child’s financial needs until they leave education. Food always appears on the …

Reviews (9)

Billy Saves the Day is Book 6 in The Billy Growing Up Series. A lack of self-belief inhibits a child reaching their full potential. Help your child work towards becoming the best they can be. Billy Field is given an opportunity to act in the school play, but he tells himself he can’t do it. …

Reviews (4)

A bumper collection of author’s favourite worksheets from English Banana, over 100 pages of English Language worksheets suitable for ESL at all levels but mainly for upper intermediate. By: Matt Purland     Sample Pages from English Banana Best of Collection See many more resources like these in our English Language section, as included below. …


In Jack Ferrington and the School for Swabbies, a children’s pirate adventure for lower middle grade, new 6th graders learn what leadership is in their new school. The book features Jack and his friend’s chaotic first day and all the adventures they end up in trying to master a new leadership task to learn what …

Reviews (1)

The Industrial Revolution from Core Knowledge Foundation for Grade 6 is a comprehensive study of the period of advancement caused by the development of machinery from the 1700s to the 1800s in Britain and America and includes such topics as working conditions, economic effects, capitalism and communism. This book also has a teaching guide and …


Human Values Foundation Stories on Values is an endearing and beautiful collection of short stories written by children, as selected entries from the Human Values Foundation’s annual Stories on Values competition. This edition is from 2017. The Human Values Foundation has kindly made these available to republish here so as to reach a wider audience …


In Matchbox Dreams toys come to life and live in the land of children’s dreams as three siblings adventure with their friends the toy mice. Matchbox Dreams is specifically designed for parents to read to their children before bedtime or for older readers to read to themselves. Each night Harper, Remy and Millie come alive …

Reviews (2)

Billy Helps Max – The fifth book in the Billy Growing Up Series, This chapter focuses on stealing or theft. Taking something from someone without permission is a very bad and undesirable thing to do. Have you lost something valuable or got something very important to you stolen. It hurts and sometimes it is very …

pixie and the green book mystery

Pixie And The Green Book Mystery is the first in a series about the adventures of Pixie from Coraline Grace. The Purple Mystery, and The Yellow Mystery are up next. Author – Coraline Grace Magic is alive at The Rocky Point Library. It’s an apple disaster day for Pixie, a second-grader at Rocky Point Elementary. …

Reviews (5)