Pishi Caught in a Storm – Pishi, a stingray, is caught in a storm and needs help. This story has some lovely non-fiction facts woven into a fictional adventure about a stingray. Some facts are included at the end as well, making this a great starting point for a school project, or just a fun …
A Calming Manatee is about being beautiful, and more importantly what real beauty is. It is about how it’s more important what you think of yourself than what others think of you. It’s also about how important it is to be kind. The book is aimed at teaching young children about loving themselves and others, …
Dive! explores the underwater world, stepping you through the experience of going scuba diving on a coral reef. Take a dive with us into the spectacular world of coral reefs, and catch a glimpse of some strange and beautiful sea creatures! Written and Illustrated by: Rajiv Eipe The book has very clear images of …
Categories: Adventure, Classic Books, Grade 7+, Public Domain, Sea Creatures
In Moby Dick; or, The Whale, Sailor Ishmael tells the story of the obsessive quest of Ahab, captain of the whaler the Pequod, for revenge on Moby Dick, the white whale that on the previous whaling voyage bit off Ahab’s leg at the knee. Ishmael travels in December from Manhattan Island to New Bedford …
Categories: Activities and Crafts, Age 6-9 years, All FKB Books, Children, Colouring, Conservation, Files, NOAA, Public Domain, Science, Sea Creatures
The Marine Debris Activity Book is an activity book to help children learn about the damage to our oceans caused by marine debris, and it’s effects on the environment, beaches, and the sealife. See more books about marine life in our Sea Creatures Section. See more books from NOAA in our NOAA Section. NOAA books …
A short sight word photo book based on the words “Hello seal…will you play with me?”, with our favourite very cute seals, and featuring 30 common sight words, and also a nice story for bedtime. By: Zehnya Bruckert and Danielle Bruckert NOTE TO TEACHER / PARENT The words are repeated throughout the book so that children …
Categories: Age 2-5 Years, Ahmad Amani, All FKB Books, Animals, Fable, Grade 1 to Grade 3, Imagination, Intermediate English, Sea Creatures, Toddlers
Under the Sea – Learn Sight Words is an aquatic sight word book with simple language and lots of repetition. The book includes word lists and spelling exercises at the end. This text is aimed primarily at for children learning to read, or can simply be a fun book to read with toddlers who like …
Sharks – A short non-fiction book about Sharks, perfect for introducing young children to non-fiction books, or school projects and self-study for early grades. Another great non-fiction Creative Commons book from Mustard Seed, approximately 300 words. By: Mustard Seed, Elizabeth Kim See this book also in Spanish here: https://freekidsbooks.org/los-tiburones-sharks-spanish-version/ Text and Images from Sharks Sharks are a kind of …
My Fish! – Two boys fight over a fish – but fighting never helps. What will happen to them, and to the fish? Another great creative commons book from Pratham and Storyweaver. A Pratham Level 1 book – suitable for young children. By: Suraj J Menon, Soumya Menon Sample Page from My Fish! Kicchu …