
In The Best Foot Forward the centipede gets confused over a simple task, yet is able to carry it out with ease when under stress. Have you ever got confused over a simple task? There is a reason why Centipede gets confused. Author: Rustom Dadachanji, Illustrator: Tanvi Bhat Sample Text from The Best Foor Forward …


Human Values Foundation Stories on Values is an endearing and beautiful collection of short stories written by children, as selected entries from the Human Values Foundation’s annual Stories on Values competition. This edition is from 2017. The Human Values Foundation has kindly made these available to republish here so as to reach a wider audience …

woof-woof overcoming fear of pets

Woof-Woof is a delightful story of a young girl overcoming her fear of pets. The little girl is terrified of her family dog, and runs crying to her Daddy. Her Daddy shows her the woof-woof only wants to play. Slowly the little girl overcomes her fear and gains trust. This cute short picture book was …

Reviews (1)

Psychedelic seal is not like all the others – he doesn’t blend in like the other seals, not only is he in danger to the world at large, he gets teased by the other seal pups. Learn about how psychedelic seal learns to triumph in spite of his differences and even because of them in …


The Man that Thought He Was Smarter Than His Wife – A Folktale from Norway – A hilarious adventure of what a man does when he takes over his wife’s chores for the day, combined with a Viking ship activity at the end, this book makes for a great story and activity time. A beautiful …

Reviews (2)

Stories on Values is an endearing and beautiful collection of short stories written by children, as selected entries from the Human Values Foundation’s annual Stories on Values competition. This is the Stories on Values 2018 edition. The Human Values Foundation has kindly made these available to republish here so as to reach a wider audience …

Reviews (4)
behind the lie support for domestic violemce

Behind the Lie tells a tale of a family living with domestic violence, find out how they manage to work out a way to share their problem without making things worse. This book shares knowledge to support domestic violence victims with practical advice told in a very easy to understand way, and also helps all …

Reviews (3)
the magic book mark

The Magic Bookmark – A student dislikes school and reading so much he gets a rush just by hearing those two words. But one day he has to produce something handmade for a school assignment. He asks his mother for her help and she advises him to make a bookmark.The student has so much fun …

Reviews (1)

At The Right Way School students do things the right way. They all stand in line and speak only when spoken to. Until one day a little girl comes along that doesn’t know the right way. Find out what happens to The Right Way school. Sample Text from The Right Way School The Right Way …

Reviews (1)
the golden ballon

The Golden Balloon – “- But I’m a balloon just like you” , it said hesitantly to the round balloons that were looking from up high and were laughing. It was different from the rest, with a rare, almost gold colour. It had every right to be proud of its appearance but it had yet to …

Reviews (4)