Maths stories for young children MLC

This collection of maths stories for young children contains 9 sets of books, 27 books all together from the maths learning centre. Each set of maths story books contain a variety of maths themed picture books, from counting, to shapes, to snowflakes. The Maths Learning Centre is a non-profit organisation for promoting maths learning programs …

Ultimate YA Colouring Book

This ebook, The Ultimate Colouring Book for Young Adults and Older Children, contains everything you could imagine in an adult colouring book. This is an adult colouring book but perfect for mature children and young adults. Adult colouring books are a means of relaxation and have fun intricate designs. The Ultimate Colouring Book for Young …


This poignant account of children and teen’s child helpline calls can help children put their problems in perspective or recognise that there are ways to get help. Over thirty stories of problems from too much schoolwork or friendship difficulties to suicide and physical and sexual abuse. The book also includes worldwide contacts for Child Helpline …

Reviews (1)
datiz and the whale shark coral reef conservation story

Datiz and the Whale Shark is the story of how a young boy Datiz makes a difference for his friend Splash the whale shark and his species and for the coral reef around their home. A beautiful story of conservation and how our actions can make a difference. When blast fishing appears to threaten the …

Reviews (5)

An enlightening text on the life of Gandhi, containing enlightening snapshots of Gandhi’s life, with lots of questions for reflection, making it very suitable for school use – social studies, history, art, or English. The Haiku, images, and text reflect the remarkable life of Mahatma (‘great soul’) who brought freedom to India through non-violent protest. …

Reviews (1)
Everyone has a right to a bath STEM

Everyone Has a Right to a Bath is a STEM story with a wonderful introduction to the engineering problem-solving process. Mrs Earthworm wants a hot bath, and Mr Earthworm needs to work out how to make it happen for her. Author and Illustrator: Cyrille Largillier Download or read the flipbook on the buttons below the …

Reviews (2)
the elephant in the room

The Elephant In The Room – Lindi’s elephant keeps causing havoc, but no one believes he is here, only Lindi knows that elephants make the best of friends. A very sweet tale of childhood imagination. By: Sam Wilson, Michael Tymbios Scroll down to Download, readonline, or see the video to read along with this story book! …

Reviews (2)
thinking skills comic

This comic, Thinking Skills, brought to us by Siyavula, teaches incredibly important rationalization and study skills important to any field, scientific and otherwise. The concepts are explained in a user-friendly comic style, including detailed graphical representation and simple explanations. The topics covered are as follows: Classifying things – page 1 Concept mapping – page 11 …

Reviews (2)
Basic book design high school textbook

Basic Book Design is a textbook suitable for high school students (and adults) all about basic book design. The book is provided by Wikibooks, in the creative commons under a GNU open document license. As a project for English, art or computer studies, creating a book should be a compulsory activity in schools. This book …

red panda naps early reader

The Red Panda Naps is an early reader about this adorable creature. This is a book for new readers or very young children, and involves around the words “The red panda naps…”. The repetition is perfect for building confidence and word recognition in struggling readers. If you enjoy books about the Red Panda, see also: …
