the mis adventures of little toast

The Misadventures of Little Toast: What’s My Name – Exciting adventures as baby tries to work out the answers to all the interesting questions in life, for example: What happens if I pull the trash can over? Does popcorn taste just as nice off the floor as in the bowl? And is my name really …

Reviews (1)
ritus letter gets longer

Ritu’s Letter Gets Longer – Ritu really wants her cousin to come over for the holidays. Her Grandpa writes a postcard to her aunty asking him to come, and she delivers the letter to the post office. Somehow along the way the letter gains a few more words. Licensed under creative common’s CC-BY-3.0 by Pratham …

Reviews (3)
tanias dilemma

Tania’s Dilemma – Tania’s grandma has planned a surprise for her on Saturday afternoon. Tania is excited about it. But then her best friend invites her to a movie she really wants to see. And that is on Saturday too. Poor Tania does not want to hurt grandma’s feelings but doesn’t want to miss out on …

Reviews (1)
my precious baby dear

What are all the new things a baby will learn when they come into the world? My Precious Baby Dear helps us remember, and reminds us what is most important, a lovely book for babies, toddlers, and children learning to read. By: Andrea Elder     Images from My Precious Baby Dear <end of sample> See …

Reviews (2)
solving sibling rivalry independently

That Worked! – Solving sibling rivalry – Did you ever have a problem with your younger brother or sister? Need a solution that really works? Want to solve the problem yourself? This book will help…..My little sister keeps grabbing the toys I want, what can I do? Should I yell to my Mom for help, …

Reviews (1)
ammas birthday

Amma’s Birthday – As parents we don’t expect anything from our children, but it’s so beautiful when they want to give us something, completely from their own thinking. A story about a little girl’s love for her mother, and her wish to get her the best present ever. Author: Janaki Sooriyarachchi         Text and …

Reviews (6)