मिलकर करो प्रयास

मिलकर करो प्रयास – The Biscuit Jar Must Fall Hindi – The children were promised biscuits after they finished helping Micki clean his room. But after they cleaned the room Prudence was nowhere to be found, looking forward to the treat and wanting to have a snack after cleaning, the children work on a plan …


This is the Spanish version of the leveled Grade 1 early reader Monkey Adventures, Adventuras de Monos, published by Mustard Seed Books. See the English Version  of Adventuras de Monos here: See many more books like this in FKB Mustardseed category. See all our Spanish and bilingual English-Spanish books here;   Text and Images …

Bunty and Bubbly Farsi

Bunty and Bubbly Farsi Version tells the story of Bunty a girl who hates soap. Every time she went home after playing her mother gets angry with her because she hates to clean her self. Until the night she had an awful dream about germs. Written by: Sorit Gupto   Text and Images from Bunty …

पूरी क्यों फूलती है?

पूरी क्यों फूलती है? – Why Does A Poori Puff Up? Poori a delicious, yummy and finger licking good dish from India also knows as Puri. This book tells a delicious story that combines science and baking as we try to answer a simple question why does the Poori puff up? Author: Varsha Joshi Illustrator: …

Un lion en cavale

Un lion en cavale – There’s a Lion on the Loose French: Geeti and Meeti wondered what do animals do when it rains, especially the ones inside the zoo. It was raining that day, and when night time comes, Raja the lion found that his cage was flooded by the never-ending rain. That night Raja …

बिट्टू बोट्टू

बिट्टू बोट्टू – How Bittu Bottu Got Better Hindi – Andy was the smartest kid in school, the walking proof to this is Bittu Bottu a robot that Andy made. Bitto Bottu or BB as Andy called him, does all of andy’s chores, lab work, and assignments. Of which his parents and teacher do not …

Ghum-Gums grosses Abenteuer

Ghum-Gums grosses Abenteuer – Ghum-Ghum Gharial’s Glorious Adventure German – An adventure begins after Ghum-Ghum gets lost after having her first swim on the Gange river. Fearing the worst she begun seeking her father asking the animals she meets along the river. Ghum-Ghum is a young Gharial crocodile. Author: Aparna Kapur, Illustrator: Rosh   Text …

Unter dem Bett, Under My Bed German

Unter dem Bett – Under My Bed German: A story about overcoming fears, in this story a young boy woke up to find a tiger underneath his bed. He feels thirsty but was too scared to get off his bed. Author: Anupa Lal, Illustrator: Suvidha Mistry     Text and Images from Unter dem Bett …

Reviews (2)
Los Tiburones Sharks Spanish Version

Los Tiburones, Sharks Spanish Version is the Spanish language version of our popular non-fiction levelled book, Sharks, for early elementary children. See the English language version of the book here: By: MustardSeed Books     Text and Images from Los Tiburones – Sharks Spanish Version Los tiburones son un tipo de pez que vive en …

अक्कू हुई गुस्सा

अक्कू हुई गुस्सा – Angry Akku Hindi – Akku is angry and she will not tell her father why. Cheering her up is also not that easy. What could have made Akku angry? Was it something her Papa had said? Was it something her Mother had done? Find out and read the book using the …

Reviews (1)