
Have fun cooking with your child with these simple yet delicious recipes. Find fun ways to make healthy food more delicious and appealing to kids. Find great snack ideas for lunches and parties or find healthy full meals for breakfast, lunch, or dinner, and many fun yet healthy desserts, all packed full of fruit, vegetables, …

Reviews (1)
cantar a una ballena? cantar a una ballena?

¿Alguna vez has oído cantar a una ballena? – Have You Ever Heard A Whale Sing? Spanish: Under the ocean lies a big mystery that scientist tries to unfold. A mysterious tune among other sound emitted by a magnificent creature. This sounds varies by species but all are as captivating and melodious and this sounds …

its all the cats fault

Die Katze ist Schuld – A German version of the popular book ‘It’s the Cat’s Fault’ a variation on ‘the dog ate my homework’ theme. The English version is available on our home page. Written by Anushka Ravishankar, Illustrated by Priya Kuriyan     Die Katze ist Schuld English Version Below It’s All The Cat’s Fault …


जंगल का रोमांच – Welcome to the Forest Hindi A group of Visually Impaired students were invited by the Last Wilderness Foundation in association with the Kanha Forest Department. The students were all excited for the field trip and ever since their teacher read stories for them in the classroom about the forest. Author: Bhavna …

Hindi एक जैसे या अलग-अलग?

एक जैसे या अलग-अलग? – Hindi Story is a Level 3 story about friendship despite differences. Snake and Sparrow are two friends who do not have very much in common or so they think. Their parents warn them each day to stay away from each other. But the two of them feel sad and know …


दिव्या ने नक्शा बनाया – Who’s on Divya’s Map Hindi Divya was on her vacation and her cousin Ravi was going to visit her in Gajapur. Since her cousin lives in the faraway city of Cuttack and be travelling on his own for the first time Divya decided to draw him a map to make …


Au Feu! is the french version of Fire Fire. A story about fire safety and what to do whenever in an emergency situation. Ana moved to Mumbai, she misses a lot of things but especially Mando her dog back in Goa her hometown. After school Ana goes with her father to deliver letters and parcels. …

Bunty und Bubbly German

Bunty und Bubbly – German Version, Bunty loves to play with birds and butterflies, she also loves to play with her boat on the water. But there is one thing she hates the most, and that is soap. She hates it so much that she does not wash up or clean her self after playing. …

German Children's Book

Das Beste Weihnachtsgechenk – Bubu the fox’s Christmas adventures translated into German. By: Ivan Parvov       Text and Images from Das Beste Weihnachtsgechenk   Der Winter kam und der Schnee bedeckte das Tal, von Bubu, dem kleinen Fuchs. Alle Tiere verstecketen sich in ihren Häusern. Bubu mochte den Winter nicht, aber auf einen …


دانش آموز جدید – The New Girl in Farsi This story is about celebrating differences. Mari and her classmates are looking at Zenie the new girl in their school. Her classmates make fun of Zenie because she is different. But there is nothing bad for being different as Mari told her classmates. Soon all of …
