
Many, many, years ago, in a land far, far away, there lived a beautiful princess that loved ice bears. Everything in the land was perfect, because the citizens respected the laws of nature. That is until one day a wicked witch cast a spell over them so that they no longer cared about the environment. …

Reviews (3)

This book takes readers through 10 simple steps to creating a book, including software, images, format, and publishing. This book is written in simple terms to be used as a guide by children or as a lesson plan by teachers or parents. If you create a book and want to share it on Free Kids …

Reviews (5)

Herewith the Wikijunior big book of Science Experiments featuring the first five featured experiments from Wikijunior. Contents Slime recipes Yucky gooey slime! Isn’t it just great?! We love it! Oobleck – is it a liquid or a solid? Red cabbage indicator Red cabbage indicators are great for showing if something is an acid or base. …

Reviews (3)

Four friends have a secret meeting place, but someone keeps trying to get in. Is it Ma like the person says, or is it a scary monster? The group has 3 forms of security to protect their secret meeting place. This book provides a nice simple explanation of security and why it’s important in a …


Animals is a bumper packed activity book for pre-school brought to us by Core Knowledge Foundation, from tracing lines to matching pictures, songs, and much much more. This book has around 50 pages of activities for pre-school based on an animals theme. Sample Pages from Animals Activity Book Pre-school Animals Activity Book Pre-school End of …


In Why Does A Poori Puff Up we have a fascinating science and baking lesson combined, all in one wonderful book. This is a level 3 book, aimed for children who are learning to read on their own. Brought to us by Pratham’s Storyweaver. Author: Varsha Joshi Illustrator: Sonal Gupta Sample Text from Why Does …

Reviews (1)
SPLC Civil Rights Activity Book cover

This beautifully presented Civil Rights Activity Book helps children learn about the US Civil Rights struggle fought for equal rights for people of colour in America. In 1964 President Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act, making it unlawful to treat people differently because of their race, religion, or sex. While the American Civil War ended …

Reviews (2)
how to be happy

How to be Happy is a short simple book for young children and beginner ESL reader, promoting values of appreciation and giving, and can be used as an early reader. The book is perfect for building confidence in reading with only 25 words most of which are simple words. This book also teaches kids ten …

Reviews (5)
health and safety colouring book

The Health and Safety colouring book brought to us by the Denver Environmental Health department. The topics covered in this wonderful health and safety colouring book include practical yet simple and well explained concepts easy for children to understand. These colouring pages make a perfect addition to a classroom or home-school, or just great activities …

Reviews (2)
NOAA Science Activity Book

This NOAA science activity textbook is packed full of scientific content and fun activities and experiments perfect for middle school and many are also suitable for lower high school. Science teachers, with experiments like these your classes never need to be boring again! From making your own compass and learning knots to building an underwater …
