
Tag «Free Kids Books»

My Friend Kimmi Could Really Spell Things

my friend kimmi could really spell things

My Friend Kimmi Could Really Spell Things – Kimmi really knew how to spell, but the school wouldn’t let her participate in the spelling bees. In fact they’d stopped having spelling bees all together. Find out why and more about Kimmi’s adventures with spelling in this wonderfully told book by Sturart Baum of By: Stuart Baum   …


The Rabbit and the Flower

the rabbit and the flower

The Rabbit and the Flower – The rabbit finds a pretty flower, and he likes it a lot. His friends the birds help him find many more pretty things around him. Eventually the rabbit realises what is the most beautiful thing in life. This is the third book in Sarbasst’s Tales of the Lord series …


A Zebra Called Dottie

a zebra called dottie

A Zebra Called Dottie – Who’s my dad? Why do all the other kids have a dad and I don’t know who my dad is? What is the meaning of beauty? Am I beautiful? What should I do when kids make fun of me at school?In this endearing tale, spotty the zebra, learns the answers that …


The Misadventures of Little Toast: What’s My Name

the mis adventures of little toast

The Misadventures of Little Toast: What’s My Name – Exciting adventures as baby tries to work out the answers to all the interesting questions in life, for example: What happens if I pull the trash can over? Does popcorn taste just as nice off the floor as in the bowl? And is my name really …


The Boy Who Loved Boats

the boy who loved boats

The Boy Who Loved Boats – Aaron loved boats, it was all he could think of. His parents appreciated his love of boats, but also wanted him to love his studies. A story based on the simple premise of love, a child’s love for boats, and parent’s love for their child, resulting in a simple …


The Volcano Who Got The Sniffles

the volcano who got sniffles

The Volcano Who Got The Sniffles – “Sleepy has the sniffles.” “It’s alright, it will pass! It’s only a cold!” But Sleepy is not a human, he is a volcano! “Well I’ll be! Do volcanoes get the sniffles as well?”An allegoric story about the importance of good company, strong friendship, and the beauty that spreads …
