
This is a survival guide and workbook designed specifically for teens or young adults who may have thoughts of self-harm. The ebook is available as a pdf which you can print and fill in by hand or edit using the pdf annotate tools and also as an editable odg file (Open Office Draw). Note the …

Reviews (4)
For the win YA CC novel cover

For the Win, a young adult gaming sci-fi, is set in a futuristic world, gaming is becoming the new sweatshops of China, where underage workers are exploited. The youths involved attempt to rebel, while some in the West attempt to get in the game. Amazon says: “It’s the twenty-first century, and all over the world, …

Reviews (2)
pirate cinema young adult piracy sci-fi

In Pirate Cinema, a young adult sci-fi novel about piracy, more over, extensive over-criminalisation of it. A teenager’s piracy crime results in his whole family being cut off from the internet as a punishment. Feeling forced to leave his home in a combination of shame, shunning, and an overriding desire to keep hacking movies. Another …

rhetoric and composition high school writing lessons

This writing textbook is a perfect text for a complete guide to writing, and suitable for aspects of introductory and advanced high school English students. The book contains a complete course in writing, from writing phases, drafting, editing, types of writing, to common phrases, word types, and improved use of English sentence structure, all explained in …


Another wonderful collection of poems for children and young adults by Gabriel Rosenstock. This inspiring set of short and very short poems or “micropoems” are set to beautiful public domain artwork. Sample Pages from Micropoems                   Download or read online the full book by selecting one of …

maths and science textbooks

Siyavula provides an amazing, comprehensive, well-presented set of free maths and science textbooks, based on the South African school syllabus. The maths and science textbooks contain around 500+ pages and cover all learning content for each year, with worked examples, practice questions, sample papers, linked videos, and many books also provide a separate teacher guide. …

Reviews (5)
made with creative commons

Made with Creative Commons shows the world how sharing can be good for business—but with a twist. Many creative commons artists are successful businesses or professionals (well paid writers, musicians, successful for-profit venture), but this is not why they do it. The artists and business men and woman in this book and many more in …

Reviews (2)

Toby Rush creates a fun and engaging way to learn music theory, and this is his introductory selection of pages available, detailing notation: pitch, notation: rhythm, notation: meter, the major scale and major key signatures, the circle of fifths, intervals, and minor scales and circle, and dynamics and articulations. This is a perfect resource for …

Reviews (1)

High School Mathematics Extensions is a textbook with exercises and provides around 250 pages of advanced high school maths. The book makes a great addition to high school curriculum, as assistance to understanding maths problems, or as a workbook for homeschool or extending children. The topics are meant to advance and add on to high …

Reviews (1)

This is a collection of guidance material for teens about mental health and substance abuse from the US Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration including the contents detailed below. If you or a teen you know may have any of these issues make sure they are aware of the information and that there is help out …
