Apprenticeship and Workplace Math 10

This section on Trigonometry 2 – Apprenticeship and Workplace Mathematics 10 is made up of several lessons. Lessons, Essential Questions, Focus, Get Started, Activities, Explore, Bringing Ideas Together and Lesson Summary. Open School BC is an online learning service that provides support and learning services for K-12 and for workplace learners. Their resources include a wealth of quality K-12 educational material, …


A definitive guide to the Harry Potter series, categorised into beginner, intermediate, and advanced. This book contains extensive information for book projects character studies, or any other Harry Potter related study. For Harry Potter fans, this is an amazing free resource. If you are looking for an amazing guide to everything Harry Potter you’ve found …


Another wonderful collection of poems for children and young adults by Gabriel Rosenstock. This inspiring set of short and very short poems or “micropoems” are set to beautiful public domain artwork. Sample Pages from Micropoems                   Download or read online the full book by selecting one of …


“What’s That All About Then?” is a book of poetry for children which provides a whimsical look at all kinds of growing-up experiences. Subjects range from personal concerns of childhood such as ownership, bullying, self-esteem, family issues, school experiences, coping with loss, the pains and joys of growing up, imaginary friends, and superheroes to wider …


American Teens Talk is a book of interviews with plain ordinary, multi-cultural teenagers in the USA. The book was created by the US State Department’s Office of English Language Programs. A great way for new English speakers to understand every day language, and improve their English comprehension skills. Here’s what the compiler has to say: …

Reviews (9)
annabella crabtree hunter free YA book

Annabella Crabtree and the djinni, Basil, are reunited when Hassan-i Sabbāh escapes imprisonment in the boiling mud of a Baluchistan volcano and embarks on a campaign of vengeance. To protect those closest to her, Annabella must return to the past to deal with him and finds herself embroiled in the Crusades. This is the second …

Reviews (2)
Ultimate YA Colouring Book

This ebook, The Ultimate Colouring Book for Young Adults and Older Children, contains everything you could imagine in an adult colouring book. This is an adult colouring book but perfect for mature children and young adults. Adult colouring books are a means of relaxation and have fun intricate designs. The Ultimate Colouring Book for Young …


This poignant account of children and teen’s child helpline calls can help children put their problems in perspective or recognise that there are ways to get help. Over thirty stories of problems from too much schoolwork or friendship difficulties to suicide and physical and sexual abuse. The book also includes worldwide contacts for Child Helpline …

Reviews (1)

An enlightening text on the life of Gandhi, containing enlightening snapshots of Gandhi’s life, with lots of questions for reflection, making it very suitable for school use – social studies, history, art, or English. The Haiku, images, and text reflect the remarkable life of Mahatma (‘great soul’) who brought freedom to India through non-violent protest. …

Reviews (1)
Basic book design high school textbook

Basic Book Design is a textbook suitable for high school students (and adults) all about basic book design. The book is provided by Wikibooks, in the creative commons under a GNU open document license. As a project for English, art or computer studies, creating a book should be a compulsory activity in schools. This book …
