Fading Flowers – Flowers look sad when they’re fading, just like our faces when we’re sad or angry, but flowers look very beautiful and happy when they’re fresh. A little girl compares her sad face to the wilting flowers, and her happy face to the fresh flowers. What will she choose? A story about being …
Feebee McGee goes on an adventure to planet ABC, travelling on her “Terrific Transformable Train” – Tripple T for short, with her camera “Camy”. Searching for he friends “Yargle and Zankadroid”, she meets an “amazing Acktopop, beside a Bossy Bornswagle”, and thereafter all the ABC characters in between. A fun book using alliteration and great …
Categories: Age 2-5 Years, All FKB Books, Animals, Beginner English, Grade K and Pre K, Read along video, Rebecca Westberg, Toddlers, Values
A House For A Mouse – Two mice, Whiskers and Cheesepuff, discover humans have moved into their house. After evading traps, they eventually find an amicable solution through learning to be giving. By: Rebecca Westberg Read along with the story, read by Kiwi Opa See more of books about animals below
Categories: Age 2-5 Years, All FKB Books, Beginner English, Cars, Danielle Bruckert, Grade K and Pre K, Toddlers
Blue cars, yellow cars, fancy cars, classic cars – even a bus! This book really has all sorts of cars, with beautiful colourful photos and drawings to go with it – ideal for car mad toddlers, and the simple repetitive text makes it great for young children just beginning on their journey of learning to read. Compiled …
Billy Bogglesworth and the Road to Muffinville and Other Stories – A collection of wacky tales written in fun rhyming prose, with great colourful illustrations and tongue twisting names. By: David Whitney Sample from Billy Bogglesworth and the Road to Muffinville One fine morning, at a quarter to two, The sun came up on …
Supercow is back, this time there is no crime to fight or lives to save, but Supercow does something equally important, defends a small boy from being bullied, and in doing so helps the bullies see the error of their ways. Bullying is wrong no matter how big or small it is, and it’s important …
Categories: Age 2-5 Years, All FKB Books, Beginner English, Dragons, Elisa Favi, Fantasy, Grade K and Pre K, Puzzles, Toddlers
Princess Azzurra and the Gluttonous Dragon – Dragon book with puzzle – Sometimes it’s hard to give up things we love, but often sharing them with someone else means to have a bigger reward! Princess Azzurra makes a new friend and learns an important lesson. Read the story of Azzurra and help her solve the …
Categories: Age 2-5 Years, All FKB Books, Beginner English, Grade K and Pre K, Insects, Marcie Joy, Rhyming, Sing Along, Toddlers