Kids Jokes Book

FKB Kids Jokes Book 2 is the second book from FKB featuring children’s jokes. Children’s joke books are fun for kids to just enjoy reading, and a short text suitable for all attention spans. A children’s jokes book is also a great way to get kids reading, and is especially suited for reluctant readers since …

Reviews (1)
Literacy foundations math level4

This is a collection of PDF files for Literacy Foundations Math Level 4, Grade 6, under Creative Commons. The workbooks provided here include four books covering Number Sense, Patterns and Relations, Geometry, and Statistics and Probability. All in PDF Format with the purpose of to provide quality textbooks online to maintain the highest teaching standards. These …

all free kids crafts ebook

The All Free Kids Crafts ebook collection provides an amazing number of all free kids craft ebooks all totally free in pdf version. We have hosted one here, the rest we’re providing a link to since we feel their collection is so awesome. See the download pdf button to download any one of their books, …

Math level 5

This is a collection of four maths workbooks from Literacy Foundations Math Level 5, Grade 7, released under Creative Commons. The four textbooks here include Number Sense, Patterns and Relations, Geometry, Statistics and Probability. All are in PDF Format with the purpose of to provide quality textbooks online to improve teaching standards worldwide. Open School BC …

burly and grum the secret city

Burly and Grum The Secret City – Burlington Bear, Grum the groblin and Max (the human) are best friends. Burly and Grum show Max a Secret City in the the middle of the forest but hunters are tracking them down. They knock out Burly, capture Max, and want to turn the Secret City into a …

Reviews (1)
school journal from the himalayas

How to Solve a Problem Like Himani, is a school journal from the Himalayas. Himani writes in her journal about life at school and at home in a village in the Northern Indian region of Uttarakhand, on the Southern slopes of the Himalaya range. The story takes you through her diary entries as she learns the …

Reviews (2)
journey into the net

Journey into the net is a cyberspace children’s adventure for children and adults. A subtle analogy on cyberspace to date including appearances from all sorts of familiar heroes and villains (including FKB’s latest favourite the infamous WP). This book is brought to us by MonsterPost, supplying themes, skins and all things related to blogs and websites. Author Helga Moreno, Illustratrated by Marina …

Reviews (3)

Whizz-kid scientist Bradley Robinson knows precisely how to get more presents out of Santa. His plan involves lots of coffee and some electric shocks, neither of which Jack, his younger brother, is a fan of, but he doesn’t get much say in the matter. Of course, Santa isn’t the only person out and about in …

Reviews (2)
introduction to clouds for children

Clouds out my window all about clouds from NOAA – is an awesome comprehensive book which explains all about clouds for upper elementary or middle-grade children in a very easy to understand way. This book was written by John Jensenius a Meteorologist with the National Weather Service, a department of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration …

europe wikijunior pdf

Europe is a great concise textbook for learning European geography, suitable for upper elementary and middle school. The book contains summaries of all the different countries, each summary includes history, geography, people, and sights. Along with each country’s summary the introduction includes an overview of the geography, languages, people, and the European Union. This is …
