
High reading skills are essential for every child. The faster your kids read, and the quicker they comprehend information, the more knowledge they can gain in all subjects. If you want your son and daughter to succeed in school and life, you should find a way to increase their reading skills. Are you eager to …


Are your children passionate about writing? Have they ever told you that they want to become famous book writers when they grow up? Provide support to your kids and help them achieve their dreams – offer them to write a nonfiction book and publish it online. Who knows, maybe your son or daughter will be …


If you’re a fan of reading yourself, you most likely want to pass your love of books onto your child. But children aren’t born readers. In fact, it’s often the case that if kids aren’t encouraged to read when they’re younger, they’ll miss out on the magic of the experience, and are unlikely to want …

UN SDGs 2030

Content Project 1 of 2020 – 10 picture books to support sustainable development goals (SDGs) One of our aims with the  FKB Make a Difference Books for a Cause project, is to provide quality children’s and young person’s books in the creative commons area which support important global issues. Our focus is on areas that relate to …

Reviews (1)
FKB OER Collection

This is simply as stated our ultimate resource list of direct links to the websites of our pre-primary, primary, and secondary open educational resources providers, if we have missed anyone please contact me or leave a comment I will review and add them! Resources are listed in order of their volume of content from our …

go green save the planet

This FKB Go Green writing competition aims to promote sustainable practices, conservation, and stopping climate change. The idea behind the submissions are that they address an important topic for conservation, be it climate change, sustainable practices, renewable energy, or preservation of wildlife, sustainable development goals related to conservation, or all of the above. Go Green …

Reviews (1)
A Job You Love FKB

We’re looking for a talented developer to join our team on a permanent part-time basis. Note: this is a remote job, so can be done from any location. For any volunteers with WordPress skills currently with the project, please contact me we will get you started on some test jobs immediately to see if you …

Reviews (7)

For this coming year, we are aiming to fund the development of 10 picture books and three collections of stories. Work will be a combination of paid commissions from professional artists and writers (please see below to apply, you need to attach a portfolio or links to samples of your work), manuscripts sent through our …

promote your free children's book

  Are you a children’s book author and you would like to promote a free children’s book? Have you thought to yourself, where can I put my free children’s ebook to get the maximum exposure for my gift to my readers? If you want to promote a free ebook for children or young adults, listen …

supercow call for help

This writing competition aims to answer a call for help, identifying important stories that can help us use education to avoid prisons. Helping tell and share powerful stories that shed light and find solutions to move children onto the path to education, inquiry, and abundance rather than one of pain are critical. Competition winners will …

Reviews (2)