
Dorina in the Enchanted Sea of Capri – Underwater fantasy adventure

underwater fantasy adventureDorina in the Enchanted Sea of Capri provides an exciting early chapter book for elementary school children, with a fun fantasy tale of mermaids and underwater adventure.

Dorina wishes to be involved in the underwater adventures she so loves reading about. The Great Mermaid, queen of the seas, saw that Dorina was a good child, and decided she needed to be rewarded by granting her wish. But not all the sea creatures in the Great Mermaid’s domain are as pleasantly orientated, some are up to mischief. What will happen to Dorina in her underwater adventure? The experience Dorina lives with the little starfish, deserves to be remembered forever! A fairy tale for children where, thanks to fantasy and magic, Dorina will venture in the enchanting blue sea of Capri!


Sample text from Dorina in the enchanted sea.

underwater fantasy adventureOnce upon a time in Capri lived a little girl, called Dorina. She loved reading
books telling stories set in the Sea.

She wished she could, one day, get into one of those books and become its
heroine! And… you know… good children deserve to be rewarded!

Because Dorina was a good child, the Great Mermaid, Queen of the Seas,
decided to please her.

It was a grey, rainy day and, after doing her homework, Dorina decided to
indulge in reading the new book she had been given as a present: The
Enchanted Sea of Capri.

All of a sudden, by opening the book and starting reading its first page, a
splash of water came out so high that the little girl instinctively threw the
book away.

Dorina was all wet and, looking at her soaked clothes, she noticed a tiny
starfish among the folds.
It was smaller than her hand and the two tiny eyes and the mouth of the little
animal were amazing

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