This post features all our Grade 12 free school textbooks, perfect for classroom or homeschool use, enjoy!
Note – for US Subjects which cover Grades 9 to 12 please see Grade 9 –
English Language and Arts Textbooks Grade 12
Grade 12 English language and arts (ELA), including EFL, ESL, EAL, and all art-related subjects.
Basic Book Design – Wikibooks Highschool Texts
Basic Book Design is a textbook suitable for high school students, Grade 9-12 (and adults) all about basic book design. The book is provided by Wikibooks, in the creative commons under a GNU open document license. As a project for English, art or computer studies, creating a book should be a compulsory activity in schools.
Rhetoric and Composition – Writing Textbook High School Extensions
This writing textbook is a perfect text for a complete guide to writing, and suitable for aspects of introductory and advanced high school English students. The book contains a complete course in writing, from writing phases, drafting, editing, types of writing, to common phrases, word types, and improved use of English sentence structure.
Engage NY – Grade 12 English Resources US CCSS 
Grade 12 English Language resources, lesson plans, reading and writing exercises and questions, released as OER in CC-BY-NC. Note while the lesson plans in this content are free, many texts they are based on are copyright and have to be purchased or obtained from a library. While there are some free copies around, the texts are copyright so they cannot be reproduced or linked here.
Grade 12 English Textbooks India *
Grade 12 English Textbooks, Kaleidoscope, Flamingo, and Vistas for the Indian national syllabus Class 12, released as OER in CC-BY-NC.
Grade 12 Kaleidoscope textbook – Download zip file of pdf Chapters
Grade 12 Flamingo textbook – Download zip file of pdf Chapters
Grade 12 Vistas textbook – Download zip file of pdf Chapters
All NCERT Textbooks Read Online – Pathshala
Punjab – Grade 12 English Activity Book*
A well presented Grade 12 English Language activity textbook from the Government of The Punjab. These resources make great ESL printables too.*
*Note: ELA resources from countries that are bilingual or where English is not the national language may differ from those where English is a national language curriculum, however, student English levels can vary significantly too, you can always look one or two grades up or down to find resources that fit your needs.
Mathematics Textbooks Grade 12
All our grade 12 maths workbooks and textbooks
High School Mathematics Extensions – Wikibooks
High School Mathematics Extensions is a textbook with exercises and provides around 250 pages of advanced high school maths. The book makes a great addition to high school curriculum, as assistance to understanding maths problems, or as a workbook for homeschool or extending children.
Wiki High School Mathematics Extensions – pdf
Wiki High School Mathematics Extensions – readonline
Grade 12 Maths RSA Syllabus 
These Grade 12 maths textbooks are created by Siyavula for contribution to open education, they are licensed CC-BY-ND, or CC-BY-SA in the epub non-branded versions available on the Siyavula website.
Mathematics Grade 12 pdf
Mathematics Grade 12 Teachers Guide
Mathematics Grade 12 epub CC-BY Unbranded
Mathematics Grade 12 Read online
Science Textbooks Grade 12
All grade 12 science related textbooks.
Grade 12 Physics RSA Syllabus 
These Grade 12 physics textbooks are created by Siyavula for contribution to open education, they are licensed CC-BY-ND, or CC-BY-SA in the epub non-branded versions available on the Siyavula website.
Physical Sciences Grade 12
Physical Sciences Grade 12 Teachers Guide pdf
Physical Sciences Grade 12 ePub Unbranded CC-BY
Physical Sciences Grade 12 Read Online
Other Subjects Grade 12
All grade 12 social studies, geography, history, and other subjects textbooks.
Grade 12 Geography College for Open Learning Nambia 
Grade 10 Geography textbook, from College for Open Learning, Namibia, released as OER in CC-BY-NC.
Grade 12 Geography Textbook – pdf
Grade 12 Geography Textbook – Read Onilne Flipbook