dan and the frog

Dan and the Frog – The Ponds, home of a kingdom of frogs, was polluted by humans and have become nearly uninhabitable. One of their own promises the group of frogs a better home, filled with food and clean water. They decide to leave their previous home and King behind for a better life or …

Reviews (1)
my friend kimmi could really spell things

My Friend Kimmi Could Really Spell Things – Kimmi really knew how to spell, but the school wouldn’t let her participate in the spelling bees. In fact they’d stopped having spelling bees all together. Find out why and more about Kimmi’s adventures with spelling in this wonderfully told book by Sturart Baum of By: Stuart Baum   …

Reviews (1)
terrible tommy tom cat

Terrible Tommy Tom Cat is threatening the inhabitants of Gingers wood, how will Benny Badger, Tyler No-Tail Mouse and the rest of the animals scare him away? Find out more in the third tale in the series from Kelly Seal. By: Kelly Seal     Sample text from Terrible Tommy Tom Cat I remember when I …

Reviews (1)
the forest fairy

The Forest Fairy – Lilly, a little girl, wanders from her parents and finds herself lost and alone in a dark forest. Instead of a friend a big, mean wolf finds her and captures her. Fortunately another dwells in the forest, a fairy with a good heart. Will the fairy be in time to save …

Reviews (2)
a zebra called dottie

A Zebra Called Dottie – Who’s my dad? Why do all the other kids have a dad and I don’t know who my dad is? What is the meaning of beauty? Am I beautiful? What should I do when kids make fun of me at school?In this endearing tale, spotty the zebra, learns the answers that …

Reviews (3)
dr freckles frog

Dr Freckles Frog is getting married, and very excited. He’s well ahead of time, and has been preparing his outfit for a week. What could possibly go wrong? By: Kelly Seal     See more books about animals below    

Reviews (1)
tanias new bicycle

Tania’s New Bicycle – Tania is big enough now to have a ‘two wheel’ bike! Her mama and papa buy her one, but can she ride it? A delightful tale of fear, courage, trust, and triumph. Will Tania learn to ride? Find out in this story, another great adventure with subtle but important lessons, in …

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the volcano who got sniffles

The Volcano Who Got The Sniffles – “Sleepy has the sniffles.” “It’s alright, it will pass! It’s only a cold!” But Sleepy is not a human, he is a volcano! “Well I’ll be! Do volcanoes get the sniffles as well?”An allegoric story about the importance of good company, strong friendship, and the beauty that spreads …

Reviews (1)
tyler no tail mouse

Tyler No-Tail Mouse – In Gingers Wood live lots of beautiful creatures, including Benny Badger, Tyler No-Tail Mouse, Milly Merry Mouse, and Freddy Fox. In this tale Tyler follows his love of Jam on an adventure, which nearly ends in disaster at Franky Farmer’s house. By: Kelly Seal     Sample text from Tyler No-Tail Mouse …

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The Princess, The Dragon, and The Very Bad Knight

The Princess, The Dragon, and The Very Bad Knight – Usually knights rescue Princesses from dragons, or do they? Find out in this imaginative and highly entertaining medium length story, told in story-teller style making it fun to read aloud. Another great story by Stuart Baum from Stuart’s Stories. By: Stuart Baum   Sample Text from …

Reviews (2)