
This is book 34 of The Tania Series. With so many different religions, philosophies, theories and gods, Tania is utterly confused. Who or what is god? How does god affect her life? What does god want her to do? What does science have to say about god? The questions keep piling up. A discussion with …

Reviews (13)

Greeting Card Making for Kids – This book is a detailed gathering of ideas that can be applied to the creation of a greeting card. Calligraphy, doodling, simple drawing, and writing (idioms/puns) are the main chapters. These concepts require no artistic abilities nor expensive tools. This easy read encourages the Reader to play, with no …

Reviews (3)

Billy Wants it All – Billy Growing Up Series – It’s important that children learn both the purpose and value of money and how it fits into the way they will have to live when they are adults.  Parents take care of a child’s financial needs until they leave education. Food always appears on the …

Reviews (9)

The Boink Mystery – On a school expedition, Aman finds more than he’s bargained for; A strange Boink Boink sound comes from a visitor from another planet, find out more and learn lessons about keeping our planet clean from this intriguing space alien. Sample Text from The Boink Mystery Aman was sure he heard it. …

Reviews (1)

The Middle Ages is a reader designed for Grade 4 from the Core Knowledge Foundation. The reader has complex vocabulary designed to prepare students for the increased demands of later grades, focusses on Western Europe in the middle ages, or medieval times. This resource is available with a teacher guide and activity book, at the …


Dance of the Flamingos  – Living like lotus flowers on water, the sight of pink flamingos is one of the most beautiful sights of the natural world. Why are they pink? Do they put on make-up? Do they have even a single bone in their long neck? Here is a book of photographs that answers …

Reviews (2)

A brother and sister wonder if there is such a thing as an invisibility cloak. Their search for information leads them to learn about all sorts of fabrics from linen and cotton to high tech fabrics, even a real potential invisibility cloak. Sample Text from Under the Invisibility Cloak   Arnav and Tanisha loved to …

Reviews (4)

The Grass Seeker – As the weather turns warm, shepherd Room Singh takes his flock of goats and sheep and scales the Himalayas for fresh grass. With global warming a reality, this photo book traces the journey that a Gaddi shepherd has been making for the last 40 years, how many more will it be? …

Reviews (3)

Whoopee…Hyperloop! Future technology coming soon – Vishnu loves to see new places. But he hates long journeys. Why can’t we have a faster mass transport system, he wonders? So when he reads about the hyperloop, he is blown away… whoopee! What’s this futuristic mass transport system? Vishnu and his friends read all about it in …

Reviews (1)

Billy Saves the Day is Book 6 in The Billy Growing Up Series. A lack of self-belief inhibits a child reaching their full potential. Help your child work towards becoming the best they can be. Billy Field is given an opportunity to act in the school play, but he tells himself he can’t do it. …

Reviews (4)