
In this second Megan mysteries book, we find Megan after following Frits down a cable car line, trapped in another strange world, The Hopah Place, with an annoying princess. Megan and Frits must journey through a series of scary-creepy caves to find their way back home, but first, she must solve three riddles. Will Megan …

Reviews (6)

This is the number 3 book in the Happy Maths series, where children can learn about maths from a series of stories that convert maths problems into fun adventures. Book 3 in the series deals with measurements. Sample Text from Happy Maths 3 Sankhya and Ganith have been learning a lot of things in their …


Kunal’s Mum warned him against watching too much on the internet lest he gets sucked in, but he doesn’t listen. Kunal gets suddenly sucked into the internet and goes on a journey of discovery. Sample Text From Lost in the Internet Kunal loved the Internet. He was always asking Mummy for her phone so he …

Reviews (4)

Megan is searching for her little sister’s missing cat. She is determined to find Frits. On the way she confronts a mysterious and scary rock creature and ends up in a strange new land. Find out what happens in this short entertaining fantasy story. Sample text from Megan and the Mystery of the Moving Rock …

Reviews (6)

I Want to be a Baker is about a young child wanting to become a baker, and through the trials of learning, experiencing the feelings of giving up. But persevering and receiving help he eventually achieves his goals. Sample Text from I Want to be a Baker I want to be a baker! Because I …

Reviews (1)

Have you ever wondered why dogs run after cars, goats run away from them, and cows just stand their ground? This book will tell you why. Sample Text from Goat, Dog, and Cow Goat, Dog and Cow were great friends. One day they went on a journey in a taxi. They reached the end of …


Four friends have a secret meeting place, but someone keeps trying to get in. Is it Ma like the person says, or is it a scary monster? The group has 3 forms of security to protect their secret meeting place. This book provides a nice simple explanation of security and why it’s important in a …


Druvi needs an umbrella to protect her wings from the rain. Join the dragonfly as she searches for the perfect leaf-umbrella. Sample Text from An Umbrella for Druvi Druvi the dragonfly has just learnt to fly. She flies near the pond with her friends. They tease the frogs and eat mosquitoes for lunch. In the …

Reviews (1)

A bird is trying to build her nest for the winter, but every time she finishes she is disturbed. Until one day she finds a very inventive solution to her problem. Sample Text from A Special Nest – Inventive solution to a problem Winter is approaching. A bird decides to build a nest. She gathers …

Reviews (1)

A little girl looks for her frog, Sundari, on each page you can try to find where Sundari is hiding. A fun finding game for young children. Text from Have You Seen Sundari? – A finding game Have you seen Sundari? Sundari is green and loves to hide. Is Sundari hiding among the water lilies? …

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