dinosaur colouring pages for young children by peaksel

The Dinosaur Colouring Book contains 20 pages of adorable dinosaurs perfect for young children. For children who love dinosaurs this is a fun filled series of colouring pages. See more books by Peaksel here on FKB – The Ultimate Colouring Book for Young Adults and Older Children Butterfly Colouring Book for young children Alphabet and …

fables grade 1

Fables is a collection of folk tales and fables written for a grade 1 level. The collection of stories also has an associated workbook and teacher guide available. This grade 1 reader has many of the sounds highlighted throughout the text to help children learn new phonemes, and there is a list of decoded sounds …

Reviews (6)
fables grade 1

Fables is an activity workbook based on a collection of folk tales and fables written for a grade 1 level. This is a workbook based on the reader Fables, also available on our site. This grade 1 workbook is packed full of reading comprehension exercises, writing, and word/sound learning exercises suitable for Grade 1 and …

Reviews (5)

Over a thousand pages of exercises, and learning material, suitable for Geography Students in year 12 / grade 12 in Namibia. This book is based on the Namibian syllabus but has lots of wonderful resources that are not country-specific for learning geography. These wonderful geography lessons and exercises are available in creative commons, CC-BY-SA. Many …


Close to 400 pages of geography textbook, exercises, and learning material, suitable for Geography Grade 10 Students in Namibia. This book is based on the Namibian syllabus but has lots of wonderful resources which are not country specific for learning geography. These wonderful geography lessons and exercises are available in creative commons, CC-BY-SA. Many more …

don't be a bully

Don’t be a Bully is a short simple book for young children, and beginner ESL readers, promoting values of anti-bullying and anti-discrimination. This book teaches children ten important life lessons about values and the importance of treating everyone equal, no matter what race, religion, gender, or abilities. There are exercises supporting the topics at the …

Reviews (5)
Sam's Christmas present curiosity patience story

Sam’s Christmas Present is a fun story about curiosity and patience over Christmas. Kids can’t wait for Christmas, and the curiosity can be too much, but it’s important to wait. This beautiful Christmas story was brought to us by Pratham and their Storyweaver platform. See more Christmas stories in our Christmas category. Author: Annie Besant …

Reviews (5)
karabo's question /o/ sound

Karabo’s Question is a rhyming book for young children. This book focusses on the /əʊ/ sound, eg “ow” in know, “oe” in tow, “o” in no, “ew” in sew. In this respect it can make a nice addition to a structured phonics program for introducing this sound. Illustrated by Natalie Edwards Written by Liesl Jobson This …

Everyone has a right to a bath STEM

Everyone Has a Right to a Bath is a STEM story with a wonderful introduction to the engineering problem-solving process. Mrs Earthworm wants a hot bath, and Mr Earthworm needs to work out how to make it happen for her. Author and Illustrator: Cyrille Largillier Download or read the flipbook on the buttons below the …

Reviews (2)
mirame a mi

Mirame a mi this is the Spanish version of Look at me, a delightful book teaching children about their body parts and the fun ways to use it. This book also includes a brief explanation about the different senses and their uses. It has a lot of fun pictures showing the uses of each body …
