Little Goat

Little Goat wanders off in pursuit of some sweet grass, but does she know how far she’s going. Will Mother Goat find her again? Find out in this charming fiction for young children. This book with simple English is suitable for toddlers and those learning to read. Sample Text From Little Goat Little Goat went …

Reviews (27)
The Dirty Smelly Beast early reader

Unathi and the Dirty, Smelly Beast – A mysterious dirty smelly beast is following Unathi home, or is it really a dirty smelly beast? Find out in this fun creative commons picture book from BookDash. This picture book is perfect for young children who want to start reading and understand common words with help. The …

Reviews (17)

Tumi Goes to the Park provides a great narrative story book of a trip with Mum to the park for the first time. Slides, monkey bars, merry-go-rounds, and see-saws provide exiting adventures, as well as making sand castles and meeting new friends. This simple book makes a fun short read with lots of excitement for …

Reviews (21)
I will help you

I will help you, a delightfully illustrated picture book, a little boy helps a stork. A sweet tale of the importance of helping out others. Another awesome creative commons book from Bookdash. Illustrated by Olivia Villet, Written by Andrea Abbott, Designed by Fathima Kathrada Sample Text From I Will Help You: “Ouch!” Mama Heron hurts her …

Reviews (17)
Where's Lulu picture book

In Where’s Lulu, a short fun book for very young children, Lulu’s hiding from her Mum, she doesn’t want to go out. But why is it she doesn’t want to go out? Find out more in this fun short picture book. Can you see her on each page? This book teaches children about the fun …

Reviews (28)

I Can Dress Myself is an amusing short wordless book about a child getting herself dressed while Mum is sleeping. Have fun making up some words or have your child guess what is going on in each picture. This story was brought to us by BookDash. Listen to a narration created by Kiwi Opa: If …

Reviews (1)

In Egg Crocodile, tortoise, penguin, and chicken find an egg, is it theirs? If not whose is it? Find out in this simple book for very young children. Text from Egg Egg My Egg? Not My Egg. My Egg? Not My Egg. My Egg? Not My Egg. My Egg? Not My Egg. My egg. Our …

Reviews (1)
come back cat

Come Back Cat – A short and very sweet, delightfully illustrated story about an independent cat. Another great creative commons book from BookDash. The few words and large text size with repetition makes is very suitable for building confidence and keeping attention spans with early readers. Illustrated by Karen Lilje, Written by Nicola Rijsdijk, Designed by Sam …

Reviews (1)
grandpas gold

Grandpa’s Gold – All the children’s Grandpa’s do amazing things, but Monkey’s Grandpa has something he thinks is even more amazing – what can it be? A short beautifully illustrated creative commons book from BookDash. Illustrated by Elsabé Milandri Written by Kerry Saadien-Raad Designed by Mathilde de Blois   Text and Images from Grandpa’s Gold The …

Reviews (2)

There’s numbers everywhere, but Zanele can’t see them. Help Zanele see numbers and count along in this fun early maths book. Another great book from Bookdash. Illustrated by Hanrie Coetzee Written by Laura de Lange Designed by Arthur Attwell Edited by Catherine Deiner with the help of the Book Dash participants in Grahamstown on 12 …

Reviews (11)