sindi and the moon preparing for the first day of school

Sindi and the Moon is a story about Sindi’s experiences preparing for and going to school for the first time. Sindi is getting ready for her first day of school, but she’s a little nervous. Will there be only reading and writing, or will they let her sing and dance too? Download the full picture …

Reviews (1)
behind the lie support for domestic violemce

Behind the Lie tells a tale of a family living with domestic violence, find out how they manage to work out a way to share their problem without making things worse. This book shares knowledge to support domestic violence victims with practical advice told in a very easy to understand way, and also helps all …

Reviews (3)
busy ants

Busy Ants – In this story we follow the ants as they show us what magnificent little creature they are. This book will keep your young readers entertained as they learn all about how busy the ants are and what they do, and more and us have in common. This book is one of the …

datiz and the whale shark coral reef conservation story

Datiz and the Whale Shark is the story of how a young boy Datiz makes a difference for his friend Splash the whale shark and his species and for the coral reef around their home. A beautiful story of conservation and how our actions can make a difference. When blast fishing appears to threaten the …

Reviews (5)
sleeping beauty picturebook

This is a beautifully illustrated version of the classic fairytale Sleeping Beauty. The classic fairytale also has a teaching guide available for Grade 1 students, and reading comprehension questions available at the end of the book. This illustrated eBook and read online version of Sleeping Beauty is based on the Brothers Grim version of the …

the job hunt grade 2 levelled reader

This English worksheets activity book contains comprehension exercises based on the text The Job Hunt, all the texts are included in the book, as well as other general English exercises suitable for Grade 2 level or beginner ESL learners. This is a bumper English worksheet exercise book with around 250 pages of worksheets and reading …

the job hunt grade 2 levelled reader

The Job Hunt is an early chapter book, designed to be read in installments for a grade 2 class. This fun fictional story involves a seven year old boy and his older sister who is at college and looking for a job for her summer vacation. The book includes an English worksheet activity book, suitable …

Reviews (2)
the frog prince picture book

This is a beautifully illustrated picture book version of the classic fairytale The Frog Prince, and includes reading comprehension questions at the end. The classic fairytale also has a teaching guide with lesson plans available for Grade 1 students, and reading comprehension questions available at the end of the book. This illustrated eBook and read …

Reviews (3)
animals have hobbies too Hello English

In Animals Have Hobbies Too, we find out all the exciting things animals do when we’re not watching. From cats and chickens, to dogs and frogs, foxes and little things that fit in small boxes, animals have hobbies just like people do. But animals have strange and funny hobbies. Keep your eyes sharp and your …

Reviews (2)
classic stories bedtime stories

The Classic Stories Big Book from the Core Knowledge Foundation includes condensed versions of ten famous classic stories or fables, each includes beautiful illustrations, perfect for reading to kindergarten or early grade children, and suitable for early reading by early grade developing readers. This book is designed for the US preschool / pre-kindergarten (Pre-K) syllabus …

Reviews (8)