
Goby’s Noisy Best Friend – Goby and Snap are best friends, they help each other out. Snap is a pistol shrimp and Goby is a goby fish. Snap doesn’t see very well but he makes a lot of noise. Goby wonders if he is such a good friend until she gets in trouble one day …

Reviews (8)

In Two Mice a little brown mouse encounters a computer mouse and challenges his new friend to find out what can a real mouse do and each time his new friend matches the challenge and betters. Sample Text from Two Mice One day, a little mouse climbed onto the table to explore. “Oooh, yum! This …

Reviews (3)

In Tiger, Tiger, Where Are You, we track a tiger by the different marks it leaves. A tiger researcher is out looking for tiger hair and poop as part of his study. He finds plenty of signs of the tiger, but where is the big cat? After all, there are so many ways to see …

Reviews (5)

In New Pussy Cat a family is looking for a new cat, one is too big, one is too small, one is too fast. Then they find one which is just right. This book can be coloured in too. Author: Ritah Katetemera, Illustrator: Marion Drew   Sample Text from New Pussy Cat – Looking for …


Ghum-Ghum Gharial’s Glorious Adventure – It’s Ghum-Ghum’s time to go for her first swim she is very excited, but when she drifts off from her family she goes on an adventure she didn’t count on. Meet all the wonderful creatures she sees on this glorious adventure. Sample text from Ghum-Ghum Gharial’s Glorious Adventure   Ghum-Ghum …

Reviews (3)

The second book in the Pigsley and Rio series, Pigsley and Rio race to the dam to cool off.  They meet a beautiful bird and Pigsley gets himself in a pickle.  Join Pigsley and Rio as they learn more about their new feathered friend and the importance of water safety. Sample Text from Pigsley and …


There’s a Lion on the Loose – It’s raining and the children wonder what the animals in the cages are doing. One lion makes the most of the situation and goes on an adventure. Based on a true story. Sample Text from There’s a Lion on the Loose Once it started raining, it just wouldn’t …

Reviews (1)

Kanchha wanders away from home and is very afraid. What happens to Kanchha and does Kanchha learn his lesson from this experience. This is a level 3 book suitable for children who are ready to read on their own, or as a class read aloud. Author: Shilpi Pradhan, Illustrator: Abin Shrestha       Sample Text …

Reviews (1)

Clever Rabbit wants to see the world outside his hutch. He devises a plan to get out. Once outside there are many dangers he didn’t count on, a dog, a lion, he devises a plan to get back inside. Does the Clever Rabbit learn a lesson? Author: Deogratias Simba, Illustrator: Michael Sagikwa Sample Text from Clever …

Reviews (1)

Welcome to the Forest – A true story of a group of visually impaired students who go on a field trip to the forest, enjoy this tale of what they conceptualise through touch and sound. Sample Text from Welcome to the Forest Tulsa wishes she could visit a forest. Her teacher reads stories about tigers …
