
This is book 35 of The Tania Series. Sonia is burned by a cigarette butt that falls on to the balcony of her home. Tania is enraged. She is determined to find the person who hurt her little sister and put a stop to their barbaric behavior by publicly humiliating them. But how will she …

Reviews (6)

Always Be Good is a short simple book for young children, and beginner ESL readers, promoting important behaviours young children need to learn. Book 5 in the FKB Always Be Nice series featuring cute animals and alliteration.

Reviews (2)

A poignant tale of a child’s first speech on stage – a much anticipated moment of excitement, which turns into a haunting experience. The little girl who was teased and bullied grows up to help prevent the same actions at the school she works in resulting in long-term change. The story ends with a potent …

22 Inspirational Quotes for Kids FKB 2020

Inspirational Quotes for Kids is a collection of 22 inspiring and beautifully set quotes and stories from well known and less well known people. All the quotes included are designed to create positive thinking and foster attitudes of open minds and Each beautiful quote is set to an equally beautiful picture that depicts the essence …

Reviews (3)
a girl's holocaust survivor tale

Bronia and the Bowls of Soup is a short tale of a young girl’s experience growing up in the ghettos and concentration camps in Poland and Germany. Bronia is a normal Jewish kid at Grade school in Poland, her family owns a small clothing shop and life is stable and happy. by Aaron Zerah As …

Reviews (10)
datiz and the whale shark coral reef conservation story

Datiz and the Whale Shark is the story of how a young boy Datiz makes a difference for his friend Splash the whale shark and his species and for the coral reef around their home. A beautiful story of conservation and how our actions can make a difference. When blast fishing appears to threaten the …

Reviews (5)

This poignant account of children and teen’s child helpline calls can help children put their problems in perspective or recognise that there are ways to get help. Over thirty stories of problems from too much schoolwork or friendship difficulties to suicide and physical and sexual abuse. The book also includes worldwide contacts for Child Helpline …

Reviews (1)

Human Values Foundation Stories on Values is an endearing and beautiful collection of short stories written by children, as selected entries from the Human Values Foundation’s annual Stories on Values competition. This edition is from 2017. The Human Values Foundation has kindly made these available to republish here so as to reach a wider audience …

childrens free marine conservation ebook

Wilbur the Lost Whale, a children’s marine conservation picture book, tells a tale of destruction in the ocean at the hands of the humans, followed by a happy ending when Wilbur finds his family in a new protected conservation area, and Wilbur learns that humans are not all bad. An endearing story as Wilbur searches …

Reviews (5)

An enlightening text on the life of Gandhi, containing enlightening snapshots of Gandhi’s life, with lots of questions for reflection, making it very suitable for school use – social studies, history, art, or English. The Haiku, images, and text reflect the remarkable life of Mahatma (‘great soul’) who brought freedom to India through non-violent protest. …

Reviews (1)