début des mathématiques

Un, Trois, Cinq, A L’AIDE – One, Three, Five HELP French – Début des Mathématiques: A fun story about a coconut beetle who loves to count. He counts all sorts of things the petals of the flower, other insects and his friends. while counting he accidentally fell on his back and asks his friends for …

La lettre magique

La lettre magique – The Magic Letter French – A story about two boys who are best of friends, even though they lived far away from each other they remain friends and they exchange letters together. Vikram sends letters with puzzles and Ijas loved solving them. One day in the day of Eid Vikram has …

C'est grave la gravité

C’est grave la gravité ? – Tig’s World French Version – What do people do on the other side of the earth? Do they fall off? A question Tig asked to both of her parents, Tigs mom is a scientist while his dad works as a writer. How are they going to answer tigs question? …

Mon frère et moi

Mon frère et moi – My Brother and Me French A short story about two brothers where children have to fill in the missing words using the choices on the last page of the book. This is a level 1 book under creative commons from Pratham’s Storyweaver. Author: Kanchan Bannerjee, Illustrator: Pallak Goswamy     …

Qui a englouti tout cela

Qui a Englouti Tout Cela ? – is the French versions of Who Ate All That Up? This is a factual story of how everything does not goes to waste in the forest. From the leftover food of hyenas to the manure of elephants and even the branches and leaves that fall on the ground …


Meuh, d’où sort le lait ? – French Moo Moo Brown Cow, Have You Any Milk? Tells the story of Raju a boy from the city who visits his Ajji every summer. During his visit Ajji teaches him about Cows and how they produce milk. This comes as a surprise for Raju because all he …

C'est bon pour toi

C’est bon pour toi – Tell Me Now! Good For You French – This is a level 1 book from Pratham’s Storyweaver suited for children that are always asking questions about everything they are told that they cannot do or should do. This is perfect for young readers to develop their reading skills in French. …

Qui fait ce bruit ?

Qui fait ce bruit ? – Who is it? French – Priya hears a sound and runs out of the house to see what is making that sound. This short story is perfect for young children who are just starting to read. The book uses repetitions. This is a level 1 French book that also …

C'est la faute du chat !

C’est la faute du chat ! – It’s All The Cat’s Fault French version This is a funny story about a boy who tries to explain why he was not able to bring his homework, when he was asked by his teacher, his answer was C’est la faute du chat !. But why was it the …

Et si on jouait à dessiner

Et si on jouait à dessiner ? – The Drawing Game French Jeenu is spending summer with her Ajji, she was bored because she has no friends to play with. She ask her Ajji to play with her. This is an early Geometry books for children that combines shapes, counting and imagination. A good way …
