
The Grass Seeker – As the weather turns warm, shepherd Room Singh takes his flock of goats and sheep and scales the Himalayas for fresh grass. With global warming a reality, this photo book traces the journey that a Gaddi shepherd has been making for the last 40 years, how many more will it be? …

Reviews (3)
technology open science textbooks ukuqonda RSA

The following are open textbooks for technology science (engineering or applied sciences). These subjects are perfect for students wishing to pursue engineering or trade disciplines. These textbooks for technology sciences are available for grade 7, grade 8, and grade 9. These open textbooks are contributed in creative commons CC-BY-NC by Ukuqonda foundation, sponsored by the …

all about seals

All About Seals – A non-fiction book about seals, aimed at 5-7 year olds (Grade 1-2), including lots of facts about seals and sea lions and some very cute photos. This book is open source and is available for free distribution under the Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike License. By: Zehnya Bruckert and Danielle Bruckert   …

Reviews (1)

Sindiwe and the Fireflies – This is the story of Sindiwe Magona. Born in the village of Gungululu in rural Eastern Cape. Born on August 23 1943, But life was not easy on Sindiwe, she left school in order to work as a cleaner, but no matter difficult her situation was Sindiwe never gave up …

Reviews (3)
fairy circles

In Fairy Circles, a visit to the Namib Desert uncovers the mystery of fairy circles – that is, they remain mysterious! This is a magical tale of fairies and fairy circles in the Namibian desert, a collaboration between NaDEET and Free Kids Books, and all proceeds will go to NaDEET. Fairy Circles is a perfect …

Reviews (1)

This is a survival guide and workbook designed specifically for teens or young adults who may have thoughts of self-harm. The ebook is available as a pdf which you can print and fill in by hand or edit using the pdf annotate tools and also as an editable odg file (Open Office Draw). Note the …

Reviews (4)

In the grip of a terrifying pandemic, thirty writers, aged eight to eighteen share their innermost experiences in journals, poetry, and essays. Writing from Quarantine is produced by Mighty Writers – inspiring youth to think clearly and write with clarity.    

Glockenspiel Book - Simple tunes cover

Kaptain Uke is back, this time with some music lessons in The Kaptain Uke Glockenspiel Book. The Kaptain Uke Glockenspiel Book has a number of simple songs and melodies that readers will recognise that can be played on the Glockenspiel with an explanation of the notes, note names, and words for the songs. In this …

Reviews (2)

During many, many festivals, a lot of people burst firecrackers. Did you know that the core of a firecracker is a highly flammable material invented in China hundreds of years ago? It’s gunpowder. Strap on your seat belts for a dangerous journey through the history of weapons and explosives. This story was brought to us …

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Apprenticeship and Workplace Math 10 Making Purchases

This ebook Making Purchases is maths related to buying and selling, made up of several lessons as detailed below. The content includes Lessons, Essential Questions, Focus, Get Started, Activities, Explore, Bringing Ideas Together, and Lesson Summary. Open School BC Provides support, educational resources, and tools that are designed for K-12 Students, adult learners, parents, and teachers. These school textbooks are from Open …

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