school journal from the himalayas

How to Solve a Problem Like Himani, is a school journal from the Himalayas. Himani writes in her journal about life at school and at home in a village in the Northern Indian region of Uttarakhand, on the Southern slopes of the Himalaya range. The story takes you through her diary entries as she learns the …

Reviews (2)

This Chess ebook is a guide to the game in clear concise simple instructions. This guide is suitable for beginners with no knowledge to intermediate players who want some guidance on notation and tactics. What does Chess teach? Chess is an amazing game for children to learn and play (…offline!), it challenges skills of strategy, probability, …

Music Theory Introduction for middle-grade

Music Theory Introduction for middle-grade, is an introduction to music theory, explaining the basics, first principals, in simple, easy to understand terms, suitable for middle-grade.  This first volume in the series covers pitch and pitch notation, and major scales and keys including the circle of fifths. This is the first in a series of three …

recipes for healthy kids cookbook cover

The Recipes for Healthy Kids Cookbook is an amazing publication, beautifully presented, easy to read, made by children for children, in a US-wide competition from the US Department of Agriculture (USDA). The book was created from over three hundred submissions. The competition and this resulting healthy kids cookbook was a collective effort from USDA, the …

Reviews (2)
maths and science textbooks

Siyavula provides an amazing, comprehensive, well-presented set of free maths and science textbooks, based on the South African school syllabus. The maths and science textbooks contain around 500+ pages and cover all learning content for each year, with worked examples, practice questions, sample papers, linked videos, and many books also provide a separate teacher guide. …

Reviews (5)
watch out the tiger is here short story for toddlers and early readers about tigers

The tiger is a big cat, and he needs to hunt often, but why does everyone know he is here? Find out in Watch Out the Tiger is Here, a short beautifully illustrated picturebook for young children about a tiger. This book is a creative commons book brought to us by Pratham and Storyweaver. The …

Reviews (3)
music theory for high school

Understanding Music Theory for High School is a textbook or reference for music students, a perfect book of music theory for high school containing a comprehensive explanation of music theory. This text is suitable for high school level students, although it may be helpful for some in middle grade. Topics include notation, definitions, notes and …

wikijunior solar system ebook download

Solar system Wikijunior ebook is a text book on the solar system for upper elementary and middle school, this book has tons of facts on the solar system presented in an appealing way, easy for children to understand. The Solar System Wikijunior book is a creative commons book, so all text can be reused and …

Reviews (1)
parenting book about values

Helping Your Child Become a Responsible Citizen is a parenting book about values, which provides helpful advice for parents about introducing concepts of empathy, respect, and civil responsibility. This is a book produced by the US department of education for parents. This booklet provides information about what you can do to help your child develop …

Reviews (2)
dolphin facts early non-fiction

Dolphin Facts provides some simple and interesting facts about dolphins for early grades. A perfect book for marine lovers with short texts and lots of images. Sample Text from Dolphin Facts – Early non-fiction The most common dolphin is the oceanic dolphin. The oceanic dolphin’s scientific name is Delphinidae. This is where the name Dolphin …

Reviews (4)