
Reviens Chat – The delightful short book Come Back Cat, from BookDash, available here translated into French. More Books by Bookdash on FKB here: Illustrated by Karen Lilje Written by Nicola Rijsdijk Designed by Sam Scarborough   Text and Images from Reviens Chat Reviens, chat ! Joue avec moi. Assieds-toi dans le panier. Reste là …

Reviews (1)

L’histoire des histoires is the French version of The Story of Stories, a popular book from our home page. A journalist bear who has no breaking news to write. Will he let his dreams end just like that, or will he pursue and achieve this in another way? An inspiring story about perseverance and dedication. …

Reviews (1)
Magozwe trouve une maison

Magozwe Trouve une Maison  is the French Version of Magozwe Finds a Home, a story of a boy named Magozwe, an orphan who lives on the street but despite of the difficulties in his life, he strives to work and study hard to achieve his dream. This is a level 2 book by African Storybook. This …

L’un ou l’autre

L’un ou l’autre – French Version of Talking in Twos – is about Binary and how it is being used in computer programming for a specific machine to follow instructions The monitor that you are looking at right now uses 1s and 0s in order determine how bright the screen in front of you will …

Increvables fourmis

Increvables fourmis ! – Busy Ants French version, come and follow the ants as they show us all the things that they can do and what they like to do. Let us find out what the ants and us have in common, and see how besides being small can achieve great feats through super strength …

C'est la faute du chat !

C’est la faute du chat ! – It’s All The Cat’s Fault French version This is a funny story about a boy who tries to explain why he was not able to bring his homework, when he was asked by his teacher, his answer was C’est la faute du chat !. But why was it the …

Le gros roi et le chien maigre

Le gros roi et le chien maigre – Fat King Thin Dog French version this is a Story of a King who owns a dog, but his dog run away chasing a bird. The King run after his dog for days. Would he stay fat still? This is a fun short simple story for young …

Je sais fabriquer plein de choses!

Je Sais Fabriquer Plein de Choses!  the French Version of the Engish story I Can Make Things, tells the story of a boy who can make things, he can draw, create a plane and boat out of paper, he can do a lot of things that his little sister cannot do. Download or read the …

Chunu et Munu adorent lire

Chunu et Munu adorent lire is the French Version of Chunu and Munu Read, in this story we join our two protagonist as they show us how they fell in love with books. Here we can see Chunu and Munu spend their time inside the library. They discover amazing stories with wonderful pictures that astonish …

regarde moi

Regarde Moi – is the french version of Look at Me, a story about children telling us how they use different body parts and the fun they have with it. This is a delightful and fun story for young children to learn different nouns and related verbs for the body and the different senses. This is …

Reviews (2)