
Baby olive ridley turtles hatch from sun-warmed eggs on remote beaches. They wait and creep under cover of darkness to the protecting water. One of the little hatchlings narrates our story. She triumphantly makes it across the beach and into the ocean without losing her way or being captured by predators. Our little olive ridley …

Khan Maths K-12 Online Lessons Quizzes

Khan Academy Maths has an amazing set of comprehensive online maths resources. These K12 online maths resources include lessons and quizzes perfect for teaching and testing mathematics in K-12 schooling. These Khan Academy mathematics resources are separated into grade 1 to grade 8 then high-school maths is separated into subjects. Each subject has topic lessons …

CK-12 Foundation Open Textbooks Flexbooks

The following post links to some of the amazing “Flexbooks” and online resources from the CK-12 Foundation material. Each flexbook contains many different topics suitable for different syllabii. The link to CK-12 provides access to the master list of online resources in each subject. Flexbooks and downloads are available for customised resources extracted from these …

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