
In Uncle Uh-Oh from Kanika G, a grouchy old man moves in to a new neighbourhood full of children. He snaps at the kids there a few times and they are terrified of him. He doesn’t talk to anyone, no one even knows his name. “Uh-oh! Here he comes.” the kids start to say when …

Reviews (32)

Tania Loses a Tooth – Tania has a loose tooth, what does it mean, and who is the tooth fairy? Another great adventure in the Tania series by Kanika G. By: Kanika G     Sample Text From Tania Loses a Tooth: Tania Loses A Tooth Tania had just woken up. She was in the bathroom, …

Reviews (3)
tania attends a wedding

Tania Attends A Wedding – Tania attends a Hindu family wedding in India. Another great book in the Tania series by Kanika G, which additionally provides a wonderful insight into Indian culture and traditions. By: Kanika G     Sample Text From Tania Attends A Wedding: Tania’s family had just arrived at the house where Aunt …

Reviews (3)

“Princess Lemon And Her Yellow Shoes”,  Kate has lots of shoes. She loves them all. Well… All except a pair of pretty yellow sandals. She wants to throw the sandals away, and treats them badly. But one day she needs them for a costume. What happens to the poor yellow shoes? And what is the …

Reviews (7)

Tania’s Monsoon Adventure – Tania and her friends are on the way back from a school trip. It is pouring cats and dogs and the roads have started flooding. As the school bus crawls through a water logged street, the engine sputters and chokes and comes to a grinding halt. The kids are stranded. What …

Reviews (19)

Phobias & Fortitude –  This book contains 2 short stories. Princess Lemon & Her Yellow Shoes and Scared Out Of her Wits, both of which are suitable for 8 to 12 year old kids. Princess Lemon & Her Yellow Shoes (new edition): Kate has lots of shoes. She loves them all. All except a pair …

Reviews (12)

Tania writes a fantasy story inspired by a science article. Sonia’s journey on an emotional roller-coaster as Tania skillfully weaves the plot through curiosity, fear, relief, hope, excitement, anger and so much more, leaves her with a lot to think about. Tania’s dramatic narration, and the little discussions between the sisters add to the charm …

Reviews (11)
tania and the blackout

Tania And The Blackout – Tania’s housing area suffers a blackout for the night because of a maintenance fault. The book club Tania that and her friends created comes up with a novel way to fill in the time without electricity. They entertain themselves and all the others in their area during the blackout time with …

Reviews (2)

Short and Super Short Stories for Teens is a medley of romance, science-fiction, humour, social issues, fantasy, suspense, and fun. It’s a diverse collection of stories to satisfy the many complex hues of teenage emotion. This story is brought to us by Kanika G, who writes many popular stories for children available here on free …

Reviews (6)

Tania and her family are enjoying a late afternoon trek in the Himalayan mountains. An unexpected burst of torrential rain leaves them stranded on a mountaintop. Unprepared for camping, they are forced to improvise. Tania’s curiosity leads her to ignore Mama’s strong objections and explore a stone hut while everyone else is asleep. But what …

Reviews (2)